

A Year at a Glance: The Best of Self-Publishing in 2023

What a year for self-publishing! There were more twists, turns, and surprises than a best-selling mystery novel. Let’s take a look back at what made 2023 memorable.  2023 Year at a GlanceThe AI revolutionBookTok Mania—no sign of slowing downReview bombing, the "favor economy", and fake booksSelf-publishers level the playing fieldThe end of...

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What is an Anthology? Definition, Examples, & More

What is an anthology? It’s one of those literary terms that sounds sophisticated, but its definition is simple. An anthology is a collection of written works gathered into a single publication.  It comes from the Greek words for “a collection of flowers”— how lovely is that? — because that’s how the Greeks envisioned a compilation of...

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