Tony Robbins Events: The Best Free & Paid

Business • Jun 08, 2024 • 5 mins
Posted by Shannon Clark

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There aren’t many people who haven’t heard of Tony Robbins events, especially if personal development is at the top of your list. With over 45 years of experience in the personal growth space and the majority of those years spent building an education empire, it’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t heard his name or seen his face somewhere online.

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The global entrepreneur, investor, and #1 New York Times bestselling author has garnered a reputation for being a “leader’s leader” with his no-nonsense approach to leveling up one’s career and personal life through harnessing positive thoughts, belief in oneself, and strategic action.

Top media outlets have included him in exclusive lists, like,

 “Top 50 Business Intellectuals in the World” (Accenture)

 “Top 200 Business Gurus”(Harvard Business Review)

 “Top Six Business Leaders in the World”  (American Express)

“CEO Whisperer” (Fortune Magazine)

“Top 50 of 100 most powerful people in global finance” (Worth Magazine)

With such an impressive list of accolades, it’s no surprise that his yearly events continue to inspire hundreds of thousands of people.

Below, you’ll find a current list of his top free and paid events, along with links to the event pages to learn more. If you’ve ever read a Tony Robbins book only to walk away wanting more – these events are the perfect next step for you!

Tony Robbins Events

1. Unleash the Power Within

What: A 4-day immersive live event designed to help attendees break through limiting mental barriers that keep them from achieving the life they’ve dreamed of.

Who: For those who want to change limiting beliefs and overcome obstacles to success

When: November 14-17 (live)

Topics: eliminating fear, the formula for success, building confidence, boosting energy, reaching your goals, life success

Price: General admission prices start at $795/ticket. An upgraded VIP experience starts at $1295, and a Diamond ticket, which includes additional perks, starts at $2995. (multiple ticket discounted pricing available)

2. Date with Destiny

Tony Robbins Events - Tony Robbins At A Date With Destiny Live Event.

What: A 6-day event focused on helping attendees reclaim their lives and focus on their destiny. Robbins uses his past struggles of trying to find happiness as a catalyst for change in the lives of others. He shares the tools he used to overcome the obstacles in his life to help others find fulfillment and happiness in theirs. 

Who: For those who want more fulfillment in life, happiness, and to discover their destiny

When: December 6-11 (virtual)

Topics: pain points, triggers, mindset, unique values, motivations, and behaviors that impact how you walk through life and how to adjust them for better life  ROI.

Price: $5,000=-$12,000

3. Business Mastery

Tony Robbins Events - Tony Robbins In Front Of Virtual Cameras At Business Mastery Virtual Event.

What: A 5-day virtual event designed to help businesses navigate the unpredictability of a fickle economy and grow by 30-120%. The focus is on unlocking personal potential to create a thriving business despite the economic winter.

Who: For growth-minded entrepreneurs and executives who want to level-up in business to better serve their clients.

When: August 14 – 18 (virtual)

Topics: getting unstuck in business, leveraging economic changes, reigniting passion and purpose, strategies and tools for explosive business growth

Price: $10,995

4. Leadership Academy

Tony Robbins Events - Event Trainer Leading A Session At The Leadership Academy

What: A virtual leadership development training event that takes place over 4 days. The purpose is to help individuals harness their leadership skills to be more effective at home, in their community, and in business.

Who: For individuals who want to “master the skill of influence” and elevate their interpersonal skills to become more effective and deliberate in their life choices.

When: July 13-16 (virtual)

Topics: developing influence, getting leverage, empowerment, mastering emotions, euro-associative conditioning, neuro-linguistic programming, persuasion, non-verbal communication, and empowering coaching

Price: Book a call for pricing

5. Life Mastery

Tony Robbins Events - Life Mastery Event Collage Of Different People Leading And Experiencing The Event

What: A 5-day virtual training focused on personal development (inside to outside). Attendees are given the strategies for peak mental, physical, and emotional performance. The program offers to help you “reclaim your body’s natural vitality and balance. “

Who: For individuals ready to take charge of their health so they can live a full life.

When: April 25-29  (virtual)

Topics: health, energy, psychological, spiritual, social, community

Price: Book a call for pricing

6. Wealth Mastery

What: Tony Robbin and his 4 most trusted financial partners teach you the strategies for building sustainable wealth in this 5-day virtual finance and investment training. 

Who: For individuals ready to take charge of their health so they can live a full life.

When: June 6-9  (virtual)

Topics: investment strategies, psychology of wealth, sustainable cash flow, mitigating financial risk

Price: $3,995

7. The Game Has Changed

Tony Robbins Events - &Quot;The Game Has Changed&Quot; Image Tony Robbins And Dean Graziosi

What: A 3-Day live virtual event designed to help entrepreneurs, executives, and anyone who wants more out of life take the necessary steps to make it happen. The event is hosted by Tony Robbins and real estate expert Dean Grasiosi who combined have over 70 years of experience in the educational and personal development space. The event’s focus is on giving attendees “the exact path and plan to thrive in this chaotic new economy.” The program emphasizes that the game of doing business has changed, and this event will show you how to prepare and thrive in a new economic landscape. 

Who: For those who are looking for a better way to navigate the current economy so that they can create wealth and a more stable future.

When: July 13-15  (virtual)

Topics: leveraging life experiences, strategy, adapting to the new economy, selling what you already know

Price: Free

What’s next?

If you’ve ever attended a free webinar or event online, you know that they can be a hit or miss, but a Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi collaboration is a sure sign there will be great takeaways. If you’re not ready to invest in one of the paid programs, don’t miss an opportunity with “The Game Has Changed” free event to grab some life nuggets to help push you in the right direction.

If you’ve never heard of Tony Robbins or are just curious about what he’s been up to lately, now’s a great time to find out. And if you are going to an event – or speaking in one – make sure you know how to write a conference bio that will attract your ideal customers and partners.

It’s undeniable that the economic landscape has changed. Many strategies that worked 10 years ago are no longer viable today. When you have the chance to learn from those who’ve been where you are now and made it to where you want to go, can you really afford not to pay attention?

If you’re an author and have been thinking seriously about using your books to make an impact in your life and others, learning the big-picture strategies of success is a great place to start. You never know what might be said at the event to unlock the door to a better future.

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