Lori Lambert Williams

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Lori Lambert Williams
Nonfiction, Occult ESP, Social Sciences
Books Published

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“I was totally not doing this with the idea of making money. But that month [the month she launched] we made $50,000. It was the peripheral ripple effect of having the book launch.”

Lori Lambert Williams


A 6-figure course launch
Made $50,000 the month she launched her book
Audiobook coming out
Expanding books into a series

Her Story:

Lori Lambert Williams has been active in the remote viewing field since 1996. Also known as Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), the remote viewing field is the ability to perceive information and imagery of remote geographical targets. She has been successfully teaching controlled remote viewing since 2000.

Her first book, Monitoring, was made for her controlled remote viewing students.

But despite her dedication to sharing her knowledge, she admitted that she had no idea what went into successfully publishing a book. She wanted to see more success with her book but didn’t know where to start.

That would soon change.

Several years ago, she happened upon some selfpublishing.com videos featuring Founder Chandler Bolt, but didn’t take more action. Then, their paths crossed once again at a conference in Phoenix, Arizona.

“Out in the hallway, there was the young guy from the YouTube video!”

Lori introduced herself to Chandler. And, as they say, the rest is history.

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The moment she realized she could share her knowledge in a way that was accessible to readers:

Meeting Chandler Bolt was the conversation that changed Lori’s author journey.

Even though she had already written one book, she knew she could do more with the right guidance and publishing support.

“What has really surprised me about having a book is that I never realized that books that become bestsellers become bestsellers because there’s a strategy behind them. Working with selfpublishing.com has been amazing that way because of the strategy and having coaches to guide you along.”

Originally, Lisa wanted to share everything she had learned about remote viewing in one massive tome of a book. But, it was such a huge undertaking that it seemed insurmountable.

Her coach advised her to write multiple books in a series format, rather than one large, nonfiction how-to (her original manuscript would have been over 40,000 words!).

“Best advice ever! If she hadn’t told me that, the book probably still wouldn’t be written. Breaking it into pieces made it a lot more doable.”

Lori had decades of knowledge to share. Thanks to her coach, her publishing dream was not only becoming a reality but would be doen in the most accessible format – to the most amount of readers.

Overcoming challenges:

“The biggest problem when you’re starting anything is fear. I had fear about publishing a book. I had a fear that I wouldn’t do a good job [writing] or that I would never get it done.”

On top of that, Lori had another unexpected fear arise: the fear of being seen.

Regardless of being a self-proclaimed extrovert, she felt insecure about putting her work out into the world. With the help of her coach, she not only overcame that fear with a book – she launched a free course!

Her course launch had 4,300 people sign up and an 80% completion rate. She was being discovered and seen by more readers and students than she could have imagined! And the leads generated from her course resulted in a six-figure revenue increase for her business.

“The business has grown so much that I am now a very busy person. Having someone there to hold my hand and get stuff done for me has been priceless.”

Her transformation:

When Lori first joined selfpublishing.com, she had no idea how much her book would impact not just her students but those outside her business as well. She had the expertise. Knowing how to share it the right way was the breakthrough she needed.

“My vision has always been to be able to provide something for people to be able to actually experience their own potential.”

With the advice of her selfpublishing.com coach, Lori went on to write and publish part one of her book series, Boundless: Your How-To Guide to Practical Remote Viewing and Monitoring: A Guide for Remote Viewing and Professional Intuitive Teams.

With selfpublishing.com to guide her through her self-publishing journey, her three fears never had time to take shape.

  • Lori did a great job writing her book
  • She finished her book faster than she originally thought
  • She became a bestselling author
What’s more, she did her launch while taking care of her husband, who had just had a knee replacement.

Success & Support

Because Lori had step-by-step guidance for her book launch, her audience grew. When people discovered her book they became curious about what else she might have to offer. Without any real effort outside of her launch, and despite dedicating extra time to care for her husband, her business grew.

“I was totally not doing this with the idea of making money. But that month we made $50,000. It was the peripheral ripple effect of having the book launch.”

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A Book Was Just The Beginning

But Lori didn’t stop there. She’s currently working with selfpublishing.com to launch her audiobook as well.

She also offers a variety of cutting-edge live workshops and online video courses. She also works with executives of major corporations, physicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities, well-known psychics, and professionals.

As a published author, mother of nine, and grandmother of 21, Lori and her husband Jim (now healed) now live in central New Mexico. They enjoy gardening and living off-grid in an eco-home, financially free due to her thriving business.

…and it all started with one book.

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“The book has played a key role in all of this because it sends people to a place where they can hold something in their hands and have a way to learn something that’s absolutely amazing. My experience has been so positive. It’s been a really wonderful experience.”

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