

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: 11 Helpful Tips

You’re staring down the blank white page of doom and trying to figure out how to make yourself do your job. You don’t feel qualified – why is anyone trusting you to do this!? TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Before you let yourself spiral, you can learn how to overcome imposter syndrome. If you suffer from imposter syndrome, it can be absolutely crippling to...

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The Best 35 Self-Help Books for Women (2024)

Self-help books for women make up a large part of today’s published books. Did you know that self-help, including books for both men and women, is ranked as one of the nonfiction categories growing the fastest?  This means that looking into self-help books for women, learning what sells and what doesn’t, could play a large role in your...

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14 Books Like Atomic Habits To Read Next

If you’ve read our Atomic Habits book review and resonated with James Clear’s writing, chances are you’re looking for more books like Atomic Habits.  Clear, and many others like him, use writing in a unique way that encourages their audience to create lasting change. Have you ever wondered how to write a motivational book?  For...

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50 Life-Changing Atomic Habits Quotes By James Clear

Atomic Habits quotes are powerful because of the amount of truth and inspiration packed into them. If you’ve heard the name James Clear, you’re likely familiar with his grounding Atomic Habits book, and therefore, Atomic Habits quotes.  In this article, I share some of the top quotes from his business book to inspire your own goals, systems,...

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What Is Nonfiction? Definition & Famous Examples

What is nonfiction, and why does it matter to know its definition? Consider this: you want to write a book about your life, but you’re unsure if it will be listed as fiction or nonfiction.  Why would a book about your life be fiction, you ask? Well, while some authors prefer to base their stories strictly on reality, other writers choose to...

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How To Write A Psychology Book In 4 Important Steps

People who are interested in psychology or have advanced degrees in psychology might be interested in writing a book to share their knowledge with the world. Learning how to write a psychology book and get it published requires a little bit of a different route than writing something like a fiction book, but there are still some basic steps to...

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