

How to Write Business Memoirs (That Leave a Legacy)

Business memoirs are more than a simple chronology of events; they are a powerful medium for sharing the journey of entrepreneurship, the trials, triumphs, and the lessons learned along the way. These impactful books serve not only as a personal testament to your business journey but also as an invaluable resource for readers seeking guidance and...

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How to Use a Book to Get Leads for Your Business

If you’re trying to figure out how to get leads for your business, you don’t need lengthy funnels or a bunch of lead magnets. Really, if you leverage it correctly, all you need is your own book.  Now you might be thinking: “A book!? I’m not an author! I’m trying to run my business here, I don’t have time to write a book!”  But hear me...

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How To Get A Literary Agent in 13 Simple Steps

If you are a writer you have probably wondered if you need to learn how to get a literary agent. Do you need one? What even is a literary agent anyway? Don’t worry, because in this article we answer all the common questions about how to get an agent for writing, and how to decide if it's the right choice for you. The truth is, many writers need a...

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Amazon Book Marketing: How to Do Amazon Ads

Amazon book marketing can be the secret sauce behind book sales. For authors who self-publish and have full control over their marketing, using Amazon book ads may seem like an obvious choice. But actually succeeding at Amazon book marketing can feel daunting at best. That's what we're here to help you with today. Learning how to do Amazon...

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The 14 Best Writing Apps for Android in 2024

If you're looking for the best writing apps for Android, we've hunted far and wide to find the top ones so you can capture your ideas on the go. As most writers are aware, you never know when inspiration is going to strike. And you need to have something by your side to capture those ideas before they leave your mind. That's where writing apps...

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The 11 Best Books about Failure (and How to Overcome It)

For many of us, failure is often seen as a dreaded outcome. So, it's no surprise that books about failure - or rather, overcoming and rising above said failure - often reach best-seller status. After all, learning from our past failures and those of others provides a huge opportunity for immense learning and growth. These books are not just...

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How to Write and Solve Pain Points in a Book (+ Examples)

In the business world, finding and solving people's pain points is a surefire way to find clients and grow your income. But to continue growing, establishing authority and credibility is crucial. That's what we'll cover today: writing and publishing your own book with the intent of growing your credibility and business. Specifically, it addresses...

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