Author Advantage Accelerator
Become a full-time fiction author
Bring your story to life with the support of a 1:1 coach, a clear publishing plan, and an inspiring community of authors.
This program has been designed to help you successfully launch your fiction author career – whether you’ve already written a novel or just have the initial spark of an idea.
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“Germany will soon overtake Canada as my third biggest market after the US and UK. Who would’ve thought people in Germany would be reading my books?”
Paul James became an international bestseller, selling 150+ books in a single day and earning 250+ reviews. He improved his writing, learned essential marketing skills, and published a complete box set with selfpublishing.com.
We know what you’re thinking.
You want to finally finish that novel, but…

You’re not sure now is the right time.

You’re worried your story idea isn’t interesting enough or that people won’t want to read it.

You don’t consider yourself a writer.

You’re not sure when or how you’ll write, edit and publish a complete novel.

You don’t know anything about successfully marketing a fiction novel or series.
Are you nodding your head right now?
If so, we have the solution for you.
A proven plan for becoming a successful author – minus all the confusion of having to figure it out on your own.
Our novel writing course will teach you how to master writing for fiction readers, while your coach will provide accountability and help create a detailed launch plan. Plus, we do all the done-for-you services needed to reach bestseller status quickly.
If you dream of holding your own book in your hands, now is the time to make that dream a reality.

You probably already have a list of why you should write a novel…

Leave a Legacy
We believe books change lives for years to come. Let yours be the legacy that you leave for others.

Earn an Income
Our authors keep 100% of their royalties, with many becoming full-time fiction authors!

Fulfill a Dream
We’ll give you the tools and support to reach bestseller status in your genre or category.
If you smiled while reading these, you’re in the right place…
The Fiction Author Advantage Accelerator

Your all-inclusive training and support system to become a bestselling fiction author.
Save 100s of hours in the writing and publishing process, take advantage of done-for-you production and marketing services, and keep 100% of the creative license throughout the entire process.
Are you ready to get on the proven path 1,000s of people have already used to become bestselling fiction authors?
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“They pushed me to finally get my book out there and answered all my questions, even ones I didn’t know I had.
The coaches are amazing and the community support is unlike any other. If you want to make a dream a reality and become a published author, then book that first selfpublishing.com call!”
Jessica Moore
Everything You get with
Author Advantage Accelerator Program

Gain regular access to an experienced fiction author and coach for accelerated success.
12 Private Coaching Sessions
Unlimited Daily Office Hours
Unlimited Group Coaching Calls
Book Production
Let our team of designers put the final polish on your novel and help it stand out in your genre.
Professional Formatting
Customized Book Cover Design

Publishing Made Easy
Enjoy the ease of done-for-you publishing support, while you keep 100% of the royalties.
ISBN Assignment
Optimized Book Description
Category & Keyword Selection
KDP Upload
Amazon A+ Content
Book Promo Services
Beta Reading
Improve your book with a beta reading that’s exclusive only to our fiction authors!
Beta Reading

Author Community
Gain lifetime course access and 1 year of mastermind community membership.
Bestselling Author Mastermind
Monthly Hackathons
Writing Rooms
Online Author Training Platform
Fundamentals of Fiction Course
Market Your Book Course
Exclusive Upgrade!
Ask us how you can pair this fiction program with our done-for-you editing.
(Available for an additional price).
Professional Manuscript Editing

Now, we just have one question for you…
Are You Ready to Become a Fiction Author?

Payment plans available

Caroline Goldsworthy
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“It’s the breadth of knowledge as much as anything else.
I’ve looked around at other courses. They offer a bit of this, a bit of that, a bit of the other. But with selfpublishing.com, you get resources from beginning to end and there’s somebody there every step of the way.”
If you aren’t sure the Fiction Author Advantage Accelerator is for you, keep reading.
- Are you 100% committed to writing and publishing your novel in the next 12 months?
- Are you ready to invest in yourself and your future legacy?
- Are you ready to become a full-time fiction author?
- Are you ready to share your story and characters – do you believe they have value and are meaningful to write?
- Are you ready to get the BEST coaching and support from the top company in the industry?
Even one “yes” means it’s time to start today!
Get a Look Inside the Author Training Platform
Fundamentals of Fiction & Story
13 Modules | 157 Lessons
Before You Begin
Full-Time Fiction
8 Milestones | 65 Lessons
Plan Your Next Series
Fundamentals of Fiction & Story Book Writing Course
13 Modules | 157 Lessons
Before You Begin
How to Hire An Editor
Your Launch Team & Plan
The Writer’s Mindset
How to Market Your Book
Manuscript Self-Editing
Full-Time Fiction Novel Marketing Course
8 Milestones | 65 Lessons
Identify Your Tier 1s
Your Launch Playbook
Plan Your Next Series
Understand Author KPIs
Make a Brand Playbook
“A plan, dedication, the proper training, a good mentor, know-how, team support, and encouraging people [is the recipe for] making dreams happen!”
“I've published 5 books with selfpublishing.com. All of my books have been bestsellers and my most recent has brought in over $25,000 worth of business in the first four months.”
Get Started Today!

Payment plans available
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I’ve already written or published my novel?
We’ve had many authors join the Fiction Author Advantage Accelerator program after already writing or even self-publishing their novels. The most common reasons they do so are because they feel overwhelmed, don’t know how to finish the process, or want more support to make their novel (or their next novel) more successful.
If this is where you’re at, your coach will guide you to the lessons in our online novel writing courses that meet you where you are. If you’re still unsure, take our quiz or schedule a free consultation. One of our Book Strategists will help you find the right self-publishing program or service for you!
Can’t I just self-publish on my own for free?
Of course you can. However, we’ve found that fiction authors who don’t have a proven plan and support system often don’t successfully publish their novel – or don’t realize the success they were hoping for.
And don’t forget the actual cost to publish a book on your own is seldom zero. You will likely need to hire one or more of the following: a beta reader, formatter, designer, marketing specialist, etc. The individual price of each of these professionals often far exceeds the price of the Fiction Author Advantage Accelerator program, which includes a coach and community, book cover design, book formatting, a beta read, and all the services you need for self-publishing success. Plus, we have add-on options for other aspects of writing your novel, such as book editing services.
Why should I choose selfpublishing.com as a fiction author?
Many other publishing companies don’t cater to the specific needs of fiction authors. However, we have an entire team and curriculum dedicated to your success! The online novel writing courses in the Fiction Author Advantage Accelerator program include training specific for fiction writing and story development, strategies to help build your fiction author career, and tips for successfully launching a fiction book series. Additionally, we offer annual program renewals and often have multi-book deals on our done-for-you services so that our fiction authors can keep successfully publishing with all the support they need.
And did you know our fiction book coaches have written and published 100s of their own novels?
With selfpublishing.com, you don’t need to give up a part of your royalties and get a traditional publishing deal to be a successful (or even full-time) fiction author – let us show you how!