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Professional Book Editing Services Selfpublishingcom

Professional Editing To Help You Finish Your Book Today

Five detailed rounds of professional editing with 1:1 editor meetings to ensure no detail of your manuscript has been overlooked.

Do you wish you had a team of editors who could help you take your book from a rough draft to a finished manuscript in less time? Now, you do. 

Ready to elevate your manuscript?

Our Professional Book Editing…


Gives you unbiased suggestions to improve your work for your target reader and genre.

Ensures correct grammar, syntax, and language conventions in your book.
Improves the overall structure and organization of your story.
Identifies unclear or inconsistent writing, improving the reading experience.
Improves the flow, authenticity, and effectiveness of any dialogue.
Prepares your manuscript for publication.

If you need help with even one of these, keep reading…


You need a team of professional editors who are dedicated to the success of your book and will work collaboratively with you to bring your story to life.

We offer a premium editing package tailored to your unique voice, style, genre, and ideal reader. Our goal is to make sure you have the absolute best version of your book when it’s time to finally hit “publish.”

Professional Book Editing Services

The benefits of professional editing go beyond the book…


Time & Energy Savings

Focus on your strengths as an author and delegate the technical aspects of editing to a dedicated team of editors.


Better Reviews

As a serious author, it’s important to produce the highest-quality piece of work you can, as a great reading experience leads to more reviews – and more sales.


Increased Confidence

Leave imposter syndrome at the door – you can rest easy knowing that your work has been professionally edited.

If this sounds like something you’d like, you’re in the right place…


The Editing Package


Leverage the expertise of an entire editing team to publish the best version of your book – without needing to hire or manage multiple people.

Our editing services include five rounds of professional editing to help bring your story to life – and we work with both fiction and nonfiction authors.

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“When you set your intention, it will manifest. showed up for me.”

Sharon Jones
Everything You get with

The Editing Package

Private Coaching

1.1 Meetings

You will have continual access to our team – with regularly scheduled feedback meetings throughout the duration of the project.


Initial kick-off call


Up to 5 meetings to review edits


Developmental Editing

(approx 1 week)

We start by looking at the big picture of your manuscript. We’ll provide a detailed report focusing on structure, character development, pacing, and overall coherence, with minimal inline edits.


Content Editing

(approx 1 week)

Building on the initial review, this round involves more in-depth inline comments. The focus remains on the big picture, but with more specific guidance directly within your manuscript.


Line Editing

(1-3 weeks)

Here, we shift our attention to the “little picture,” addressing individual chapters and flow. Expect lots of inline edits for detailed aspects of content and structure.



(1-3 weeks)

This is where we refine grammar, syntax, and style. We’ll start with sample edits to ensure we capture your voice accurately, then proceed with direct edits in Google Docs, allowing you to track changes in the version history.


(1-3 weeks)

The final touch! We’ll catch any remaining errors to ensure your manuscript is clean and polished.

Now, we just have one question for you…

Are You Ready to Get Help Editing Your Book?



Under 60K Words


Under 100K Words


100K+ Words

Steve Hughlett

“I can’t even imagine how I would have been able to [edit and] publish my book, with all the different steps, without guiding me.

 I highly recommend this school to anyone wanting to get their passion out to the world through books.

– Steve Huglett

Al Lyman

“ has been a fantastic resource to help me realize a lifelong dream of becoming a published author,

and in the process, will help me positively impact even more lives. Thank you,!

–  Al Lyman

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we communicate during the editing process?

You will have email access to your editing team via email, as well as a set amount of scheduled 1:1 calls to ensure alignment throughout the entire process. Here at, we have helped edit many books. And we have worked hard to create a streamlined editing process that allows for multiple feedback opportunities, collaborative meetings, and helps authors complete the editing phase of their books faster, without compromising any quality.

Why should I work with a team instead of hiring my own editors?

Choosing to work with a professional editing team can save you immense amounts of time and money. Firstly, you won’t need to find, vet, and interview individual editors for each type of editing your book needs. A diverse team brings also varied expertise and perspectives, facilitating collaborative feedback and discussions that enhance the overall quality of the manuscript. A team will also implement rigorous quality control measures, and provide specialized roles, such as developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading – all with just one point of contact.

Can’t I - or a friend - just do my own book editing?

You could – and it would likely save money on your self-publishing costs. However, it’s often not the best approach. While self-editing is an important part of the post-writing process, it shouldn’t be the only editing phase you complete. Relying solely on self-editing may lead to overlooking errors, inconsistencies, or areas for improvement that an external perspective can easily catch. External editors bring fresh eyes and objectivity, providing valuable insights that may be challenging for authors to discern on their own. The combination of self-editing and professional editing ensures a more thorough and polished final manuscript, contributing to the overall quality and success of the writing endeavor.

Get Started Today!



Under 60K Words


Under 100K Words


100K+ Words

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“This can be done, if you follow the process!”

Brent Chesney