12 Media Kit Examples to Inspire Your Own

Marketing • Sep 17, 2024 • 7 mins
Posted by Audrey Hirschberger

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A media kit can make all the difference in your press exposure as an author, but unless you’ve seen media kit examples, it can be really hard to come up with your own. Luckily, there are a lot of great media kit examples out there for you to learn from!

Today we’ll help you learn how to put together a successful media kit, but before we dive into it, let’s make sure you understand what a media kit is and what should be included in it. 

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What is a Media Kit?

A media kit is also known as a press kit.

So, what is a media kit? It’s a variety of materials that provide information to the media and future partners to help them write articles, interview you, or decide if they want to work with you. They are useful resources for authors, aspiring or existing keynote speakers, business owners, and even brands.

Media kits can be publicly available ins “news” or specialized “about me” sections of websites or as a downloadable presentation deck. Whatever format they are in, they are crucial for getting your name and information out there in precisely the way you want. 

Whether you’re a big business, an entrepreneur, or a new author, it’s important to look through lots of media kit examples to learn how to make a killer one for yourself. This is a must if you want to snag appearances to support your book launch.

What Should a Media Kit Include?

Your media kit should include all the information a journalist would need to feature you in an article. Of course, the exact information you put in your kit will depend on what type of work you conduct. 

If you are looking for a media kit template for authors, then your kit should include: 

  • A short author bio
  • A conference bio (if different from your author bio)
  • A photo of yourself
  • Any awards you’ve won
  • Book covers, titles, and prices 
  • Book descriptions
  • Social media account links (with number of followers if desired)
  • Author website URL
  • A few topics from your website blog (if applicable)
  • Past media collaborations and articles 
  • Questions journalist should ask you in an interview 
  • Contact information

If you are the founder of a small business, your media kit template will look a bit different. It should include:

  • A description of you/your company
  • Contact information
  • Social media statistics 
  • Social media links
  • Information on partnerships & collaborations
  • Testimonials from customers 
  • Case studies
  • Fact sheets
  • Logos/branding guidelines 
  • Product images
  • Media mentions
  • Boilerplate
  • Executive bios
  • Media contacts
  • High-resolution images
  • FAQs
  • And any other information you want journalists to have! 

It can be hard to understand exactly what your media kit should look like without seeing media kit examples, so we’ve rounded up some of the best media kit examples online for you to view and learn from. 

12 Best Media Kit Examples to Inspire Your Own 

Here are some of the best media kit examples from individuals and brands to help inspire your own press kit. 

1. Jenna Kutcher

Top Media Kit Examples

Jenna Kutcher’s media kit is one of the best media kit examples out there. It’s beautifully designed and is full of interesting statistics that journalists can pull from. It’s also written in a way that makes you feel as though you’re having a conversation with Jenna, which makes it easy for journalists to spin like an interview.

2. Hinge

Hinge Media Kit

Hinge’s media kit is next on our list of media kit examples. It is super easy to navigate and gives journalists quick access to internal press releases and critical information. 

Not only that, the dating app giant has also included employee profiles, their business background, external news articles, image downloads, and more!

3. Delta 

Delta Media Kit

Delta offers one of the leading media kit examples, and theirs is MASSIVE.

That makes sense, since they are such a large company! Each section of their press kit actually has its own page on their site, allowing them to dig into all the details of their awards, corporate states, history, and more. 

4. Spotify 

Spotify Media Kit

Spotify’s media kit is unique, because it supports Streaming Intelligence, one of its key features.

This allows anyone reading through the media kit to understand the tool and how it works. But Spotify also lists plenty of performance stats and partnerships to support its offerings. 

If you’re doing any podcast planning as an author or planning to launch a branded podcast to support your business, take note of this one!

5. Wisteria PR

Best Media Kit Examples

Next on our list of media kit examples is Wisteria PR, who happens to specialize in press kit templates! Wisteria offers up everything a journalist could need, from a gallery of stunning professional photos to a fact sheet with usage guidelines and social media links. 

There are even embedded podcast episodes so you can learn more directly from the media kit. It’s a smart play for a media kit. 

6. Airbnb

Airbnb Media Kit

Airbnb offers something slightly different from our other media kit examples. Instead of having a separate media kit, they have built a lot of links and statistics straight into their About Us page. This makes it easy to navigate and learn all about the company.

You can do the same!

You can add media kit information into your About Me or Press page instead of having a separate author media kit page on your website. 

7. Forbes

Forbes Media Kit

Forbes is one of the media kit examples where the press kit is a download.

It includes their mission statement, company overview, and plenty of helpful statistics for the media – including a cool global outreach map.

If you are looking for author media kit inspo with plenty of style, this is one of the best media kit examples to study.  

8. GearJunkie

Gearjunkie Media Kit

GearJunkie is next for our top media kit examples.

They do a great job showing exactly what their company is about, with plenty of helpful statistics about their company and their customer.

For partners, they include information on their board, their audience engagement, their ad specs, and even their editorial calendar! 

9. Entrepreneur 

Entrepreneur Media Kit

Entrepreneur’s media kit is a great example of a media kit done well. The modern design really showcases the brand well, and they offer up plenty of information to help the press understand reader demographics. They even go so far as to include their editorial calendar. 

This media kit example has content samples, statistics, stunning graphics, and plenty of social proof to help journalists write a killer article about the company. 

If you are building a thought leadership strategy as an author, definitely take a look at this one!

10. Uber 

Uber Media Kit

Uber’s media kit is integrated right into their online newsroom. It also offers a great example of how to do this yourself if you so wish.

It’s smart for Uber to do this, as anyone visiting their page will see the latest news first before they can move on to learn about the company information.

Uber also offers information about their leadership team and their media assets, and they are really able to convey their brand values well through their press kit. 

11. Slack 

Slack Media Kit

Slack’s media kit is another of the really great media kit examples, especially if you have a larger business. The majority of their landing page is dedicated to their brand guidelines, so they can ensure that Slack is represented consistently and accurately in the media. 

Slack also includes plenty of logos and product pictures for journalists to use. 

12. The Social Bungalow 

Social Bungalow Media Kit

This is one of the most unique media kit examples on our list. Shannon of The Social Bungalow has done something very smart – she has provided her bio, public speaking topics, and approved images up front, but her full media kit needs to be requested. 

In order to request a media kit from Shannon, you need to provide your name, email, outlet name, and the opportunity you are providing. This helps to immediately set you up with all the information you need from the press if they are truly interested in featuring you.

Perhaps you want to take a note from her book when making your own press kit! 

Market Yourself Like a Pro 

Thanks to these great media kit examples, you should have a much better idea of what you want to do for your own media kit. But media kits are just one small piece of marketing your business or your services. 

If you are an author, there are so many book marketing avenues for you to consider in addition to your author media kit. And, if you need assistance putting together your book marketing strategy or a successful media kit, the team at selfpublishing.com can help you! We help our community with this and many other important Amazon marketing services for authors daily!

We are pros at marketing and launching books to best-selling status, and we’d love for your next book to get there too. You can get started by booking a free strategy call with our team today.

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