A 100% Honest Hawes and Jenkins Review

Reviews • Apr 18, 2024 • 7 mins
Posted by Shannon Clark

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Just a decade ago, self-publishing options were sorely limited, and many of today’s popular self-publishing companies were just getting started. 

Now, there are self-publishers of all shapes and sizes taking up space in every nook and cranny of the publishing world. With so many to choose from, the search for a self-publisher you can trust can feel overwhelming. One of the reasons we continue to review self-publishers on our website is because at the end of the day, getting your book published the right way is all that matters. Of course, we would love for you to use our services, but we understand that we are not the best fit for everyone.

In this article, we’ll explore Hawes and Jenkins Publishing, Inc., what they offer, and see if they could be a good fit for your needs.

Hawes And Jenkins - Company Logo

The Hawes and Jenkins publishing company

There’s not a lot of information about the company or their services on their website, so I had to do a bit of digging. They have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau that lists the company’s start date as 8/23/17; however, after a basic search on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Sribd, and Kobo, you’ll only find books as far back as 2021. If their first books came out in 2021, they are still considered fairly new. 

That being said, an A+ rating is always a good place to start, and the date a company is established isn’t always when a business begins operations, so let’s take a closer look at what we do know about the company. 

On their website, they say they want to “help you realize your story’s full potential and share your message with the world.” They are a full-service publisher, which, in industry terms, means they should be able to take your book through the entire publishing process from editing through publication. 

Hawes and Jenkins’ publishing packages include a full list of publishing options, which we’ll take a closer look at in the next section, but a general listing of their packages and services is kind of where the trail ends. 

Their website says you can get additional information after a call with one of their literary scouts. 

Hawes and Jenkins Publishing packages and options

Hawes and Jenkins lists three packages on their website but they only give one price. It’s unclear which package the price is connected to because it is listed at the top of the page in their header instead of under a specific package. Based on the pricing listed as “5 low payments of $395” we can assume this refers to their smallest package (Essential Package). In videos on their YouTube channel, they say you can get more pricing information and recommendations after your manuscript has been assessed.

Their website lists the following packages:

Essential Package

  • Page design
  • Cover art
  • Conversion to various digital formats
  • Printed editions of the work
  • Author discount program
  • ISBN
  • Digital distribution
  • Print distribution
  • Author web page

Essential Plus Package

  • Full-copy edit
  • Page design
  • Cover art
  • Conversion to various digital formats
  • Printed editions of the work
  • Author discount program
  • ISBN
  • Digital distribution
  • Print distribution
  • Author web page
  • Publicity and press release distribution

Essential Plus + Marketing Program

  • Full-copy edit
  • Page design
  • Cover art
  • Conversion to various digital formats
  • Printed editions of the work
  • Author discount program
  • ISBN
  • Digital distribution
  • Print distribution
  • Author web page
  • Publicity and press release distribution
  • Creation of an author YouTube channel
  • Promotional video trailer
  • Video interview via Zoom
  • Podcast interview on the ReaderHouse Author Roundtable
  • Banner advertisement on the homepage of the ReaderHouse Online Bookstore website
  • Pinterest business account
  • Facebook social media launch package

Is Hawes and Jenkins the right choice for you?

If you’re thinking about using Hawes and Jenkins, here are a few pros and cons to consider:



  • At the time of writing this article, no information was listed on the site about how manuscripts are assessed, whether they offer fiction and/or nonfiction services, or how the prices change from package to package. 
  • It’s clear from their social media posts that they have a CEO, VP of Operations, and Finance Assistant, but there are no details given on any additional team members like editors, cover and interior designers, etc. Knowing whether those services are outsourced or done in-house would give a broader understanding of how the company is set up and what an author can expect. 
  • A Hawes and Jenkins introduction video on YouTube says that all manuscripts undergo a literary assessment to see if they are a good fit for their catalog, but it’s not clear from the video what that criteria is.

After the research, I don’t have a definitive answer on whether Hawes and Jenkins is a good option for self-publishers because there’s not enough information available to make an informed decision.

Self-publishing is an investment of time and money, so a lack of transparency on the part of any publisher, should cause an author to take a step back and ask the tough questions.

While several of Hawes and Jenkins’s books listed online have positive reviews, the review numbers are low. This makes judging the quality of their books based on reviews difficult. 

They post on their social media platforms regularly (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube) which is positive, but the posts are non-specific and the engagement is low. Their audience and the type of authors they cater to are unclear.

Unfortunately, I ended my search with more questions about the company than answers.

Because of these limitations, overall, I’d give Hawes and Jenkins a 2 out of 5 stars. 

Hawes And Jenkins - 2 Out Of 5 Stars Review.

Hawes and Jenkins alternatives

Regardless of your self-publishing budget, you want the assurance that whichever company you select will make good on their promises, but you have to know what those promises are first, so you can set your expectations. 

The self-publishing industry has grown enough over the years to offer authors a wide range of choices when it comes to which self-publisher you’ll choose, and the more you learn about self-publishing and what is required, the more you’ll look for companies who are capable partners on the publishing journey. 

The best alternative for you will be one that meets the following criteria:

  • Pricing transparency
  • Well-defined program(s)
  • Guidance and support
  • Solid industry experience
  • Flexibility
  • A strategic plan to get you from point A to point B
  • Book examples that meet your aesthetic
  • Compatibility – a company that meets you where you are so you are comfortable with the process. 
  • A submission process – stay away from vanity publishers
  • A catalog of books that you’d feel proud to have your book next to.

Since, the information available online for Hawes and Jenkins, I am unable to offer a specific alternative to their services. Just know that there are a lot of great companies out there, and any one of them could be the perfect one for you. 


When reviewing companies, we do our best to give you an unbiased review based on research. This can come from the company’s website, social media profiles, interviews (when possible), reviews, and more. 

In the case of Hawes and Jenkins, the information available online was limited and of the information found, the details were general.

These things do not necessarily mean that the company doesn’t have merit; however, there’s enough information missing to cause a pause. 

If you decide to look into their services, make sure you fully understand their pricing structure, the exact services offered for what you’re paying, and compare their package offers and pricing to others. 

We offer several reviews of self-publishing companies on this website that include pricing and what to expect. Some of these are:

As a self-published author, you always want to be well-informed and protect your investment. Do your research and get your questions answered before moving forward. You should never feel pressured to make a decision. If you can’t find the answers or ones that meet your satisfaction, remember there are more available options to choose from. 

For more information on self-publishing and which direction is best for you, book a call with one of our specialists for a no-obligation consultation, or take a look at the detailed articles on our website for more information. 

Our team of book publishing professionals has been in the self-publishing space long enough to know what works and what doesn’t. All of our programs were developed to give you the tools you need to launch your book with the peace of mind that you’re putting your best foot forward and giving your readers a quality product. 

Regardless of which company you choose, don’t settle. You’ll only regret it in the long run. 

Are you ready to take your publishing to the next level? Start here to learn more about the self-publishing process.

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