Heather Bradley Shares How to Overcome the Unthinkable With Inspiring New Book

Elite Author Feature, Religion & Spirituality • Nov 09, 2024 • 4 mins
Posted by Averi Melcher

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Ordained in pastoral ministry and Founder of Truth:Freedom Ministry, Heather Bradley has dedicated her life’s work to helping people walk through their hardest times. In her debut book, Unthinkable, she leads with vulnerability and a first-hand account of how believing in Jesus can truly transform your suffering into something profound.

Heather is a Texas girl at heart but loves the adventure of going to new places. She has been married to the love of her life, Kelly, for over 29 years, and they have 4 children. They homeschooled their kiddos and have lived all over the USA but are happy to call Austin home during this season of life.

Readers say Unthinkable is “encouraging, faith-building, and honest,” so we wanted to ask Heather about her experience writing such a moving book.

Book Title: Unthinkable: Taking The Hand Of Jesus Through Pain and Suffering into a life of Freedom and Purpose
Genre: Nonfiction, Christian, Religion & Spirituality
Website: Truth:Freedom Ministry

Unthinkable: Taking The Hand Of Jesus Through Pain And Suffering Into A Life Of Freedom And Purpose By Selfpublishing.com Elite Author Heather Bradley

Who should read this right now?

Any follower of Jesus who feels stuck in their pain and suffering.

This book isn’t just about my story, it’s a guide and a testament to the power of believing. He will be your hand and will show you the way out.

As you read, you will learn to:

  • Surrender your pain for a purpose by exchanging your suffering for healing.
  • Take a hold of Jesus’ hand, open your heart, and gain God’s vision for your life.
  • Walk through heartache with Jesus by your side and equip yourself to be a part of a bigger story.

What was your personal inspiration for writing Unthinkable?

We all find ourselves in unthinkable circumstances at some point in our lives.

For me, that was the death of my son.

Through that experience, I found life in The Son Jesus. I came to the realization that when we take hold of Jesus’ hand, we exchange our pain and suffering for freedom, healing, and purpose. Only Jesus can take the impossible and bring forth beauty from our ashes.

We don’t just suffer to suffer with Jesus.

He truly steps into our hard places and brings forth purpose. He exchanges our pain for His peace and presence. That peace never leaves us and ultimately launches into His Kingdom.

The moment I found selfpublishing.com I knew that I was being given the blueprint I needed to do what God had called me to do. That was the help I needed to begin (and finish) writing this book.

What was your journey for writing and publishing this book as a first-time author?

The hardest part was just starting and committing to my book. It was so hard for me. I had the idea of sharing my story for years and was always telling myself I’d get it done. But (without a plan) that was wishful thinking.

There had to be a time of cutting out all distractions. That was most important. I stepped back from all extra activities for a season. Then I had a special spot and time each day to write.

Being a part of the Author Accelerator Elite Program with selfpublishing.com was what I needed too. They led me step-by-step. It was so much help having the entire book writing and self-publishing process broken down into one piece at a time.

When I finally made it my priority and sat down each day to write, the book just began to happen! The team at selfpublishing.com held me accountable and helped me overcome my challenges with writing. I went from years of procrastinating to being done in 8 months!

Coffee, prayer, nice music, and a lovely candle helped as well.

Now that you’re a published author, what are your plans?

The feeling of actually finishing Unthinkable and realizing I really could do this is incredible!

Now, my plans are to continue using this book as a ministry tool to help others find freedom. It really is all about Jesus. He has given me so many opportunities to minister to others with it.

Outside of being a published author, Heather is the founder of Truth:Freedom Ministry, an online space for women to become equipped and encouraged in the things of God. You will typically find her serving at her local church, gardening, reading books, trying new recipes, or stepping into her latest title Gradma Gigi!

You can follow Heather on her on Instagram or subscribe to Leaving The Shallows, a podcast Heather co-hosts with her good friend, Jackie. Together, they help listeners leave the shallow end of Christianity and go into the deeper things of God.

Interested in learning about the support system she had as she wrote and self-published her first book?

We invite you to schedule a free consultation to learn more about Author Accelerator Elite and the other programs we have to help authors achieve their dreams!

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