Chapterly Review (What does it do?)

Reviews • Mar 30, 2023 • 6 mins
Posted by Christopher Ortiz

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The explosion of tech companies in the 21st century has revolutionised almost every industry.

The level of innovation involved has not only forced these industries to evolve but has reshaped them entirely. New technology has created so many possibilities previously unthought of and a large number of companies entering this space do so to make people’s lives easier and simplify their work.

This is very much the case when it comes to writing. Everything from spell check and grammar to publishing and distribution has been affected and improved by the tech revolution.

But what about actually writing itself and the organisation behind it? Can such a legacy pastime and profession really utilise technology to help or will it always ultimately rely on the individual and their creativity?

One company hoping it is the former of those two scenarios is Chapterly, a tool which aims to simplify the process behind writing and bring it into the modern era. 

In this review, we will take a look at what Chapterly is, whether or not it is a tool that will actually benefit writers and ultimately if this type of technology is necessary or even vital for writers working today. 

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Our reviews are meant to be unbiased, 3rd party reviews, but we will speak up if there is a scam or a clearly better option.

What is Chapterly?

Chapterly is an all encompassing writing tool that aims to help authors with not only the writing process itself but all of the surrounding extras that go into creating a book. The app was purpose built by authors and describes itself as an ‘authoring app’ with the aim of helping users create the best work possible and ultimately get published. There are a number of features, of which an overview can be found below.

Writing Tools – Users can utilise such tools as spelling/grammar check, goal setting and others to help with things like focus and minimising distractions.

Collaboration – Users can share their work with other writers, editors, test readers and others in order to maximise a collaborative environment. In doing so, all involved in the process can add notes, provide feedback and evolve the work together.

Cover Design – Easy to use tools for users not experts in graphic design aim to make it a simple process when designing cover art. Also features an extensive royalty free image library to use.

Visual Boards – Helping writers to plot and map their work, for a holistic overview of the entire project in one easily accessible and viewed location.

Print and Digital Ready Exporting – All file types, sizes and customisation writers need to export and publish their work.

Templates and Outlines – Pre set and customisable templates and outlines to help users write as effectively and quickly as possible 

AI Writing Assistant – AI tool to provide input, suggestions and feedback on the writing process with the aim of honing the writer’s work, comparable to a virtual editor or mentor.

Chapterly Pricing 

Pricing for Chapterly is very straightforward. Any new user can access the platform for free 14 days completely free of charge. After that pricing sits at $14.99 per month with cancellation available anytime and no commitment period of any length. At various points in the past, there have been special prices to encourage sign ups or discounts for users so this can fluctuate.

The signup process is also simple, with users asked to create an account by inputting some basic information or with a pre existing Facebook, Google or Twitter account.

Who Would Benefit from Using Chapterly?

Chapterly is aimed at writers who want either some extra help in the writing process or who wish to have a more tech driven and modern experience when completing their work.

The first of these groups, may for example not have access to any professional help, like an editor, especially if they are without a publishing deal. If it is their first time writing a book or do not have any peers with more experience to lean on then using a tool such as Chapterly could bridge that gap. It is also true that every writer regardless of their circumstances experiences writer’s block at some stage, or has difficulty putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. Chapterly could step in and help clarify the process and get them over the finish line in completing their work. 

The second group may desire a less old fashioned approach to the writing process. This could be due to the generation they were born in and therefore have spent their entire lives co existing with technology, or simply that they believe modern tech tools, as in the rest of their lives, provides a better way of working than in the past. Whilst some of this is subjective, and personal preference will always come into play, it is indisputable that in terms of paper usage and organisation that digital platforms such as Chapterly are easier to access and use than piles of notebooks or sticky notes.

What are the Alternatives to Chapterly?

It will not be a surprise to learn that Chapterly is not the only company offering such services or that provides a tool like this. The gap in the market for a writing platform such as this is minimal with arguably a saturation of products now available. What is particularly unhelpful is that the differences between many of them are minimal and an online search to sort through the options often leads potential users down a path of paid advertising and biased ranking systems and charts. 

In essence, however, there are two main ways to separate all of these tools; price and functionality. 

Tools such as Novelist, EditPad and SmartEdit Writer are all either completely free or have free versions that may provide writers with what they are looking for. Naturally, these come with a set of limited functionalities in comparison to a paid tool like Chapterly, but could provide an easy and low risk gateway into using such a tool. 

Chapterly, would of course consider its direct competitors’ other paid products such as Scrivener, Squibler or Ulysses. These products are all comparable but have minor differences with regard to price points or exact features. 

Lastly, the alternative is to use no software at all. For thousands of years, writers managed with pen, paper and their thoughts so it is clearly not impossible to create great work without a modern day app. 

Chapterly Review – Final Thoughts

In summary, perhaps the best way to view Chapterly is as a tool that has the potential to be of great benefit but not a guarantee. This is due to each writers personal preference, individual circumstances and specific needs for their own writing process. 

Any writer thinking of using such a tool has to find the right balance between doing their due diligence whilst not allowing such a process to overwhelm and inadvertently take valuable time away from the writing process itself. 

A quick rundown of what they are looking for from such a tool combined with how much they are prepared to spend should give them the outline for what they are looking for and from there they can sift through the remaining options for what suits them best. 

With regards specifically to Chapterly, any writer that feels their features and price point resonates with them, would be best served by signing up for the free trial and making a direct comparison to one of the completely free products to see if the extra features are worthwhile and will then be in a great position to make a final decision. If they do go with Chapterly, it will likely be a beneficial tool. 

3 Stars

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