Alpha readers are a great writer’s secret weapon. Finding a trustworthy alpha reader can take your work from good to great. Your book is your baby, especially as a first-time author. Sharing your work is always nerve-wracking, especially when you’re sharing it...
From cultural to political and everything in between, we all have an opinion and a unique perspective about how the world works and where we fit into the big picture. This means that when we sit down to pen a book that takes a slice out of the real world, how we...
In a previous article, we looked at the different types of editing authors should consider when finalizing their manuscripts. And at the top of that list (after manuscript assessment), is developmental editing. Let’s discuss. Guide to Self-Editing Mastery Learn...
Wherever you fall on the writers-using-AI spectrum, most creatives will agree that artificial intelligence has created a seismic shift in how authors write, edit, print, distribute, and market their books. AI has weaved its way into the world of book publishing and...
Copy editing. Copyediting. Copy-editing. No matter which format you prefer to use, each one is in reference to the same type of editing. Many writers and aspiring authors looking to self-publish their book have a variety of questions around copy editing, and...