30 Book Blogs + BookToks to Follow (& Get Featured On) This Year

Marketing, Reviews • Nov 08, 2024 • 9 mins
Posted by Audrey Hirschberger

If you are an author, marketing your book is half the battle – and the marketing efforts never stop. Whether you are preparing for your book launch or just trying to increase sales, getting featured on book blogs is one of the easiest ways you can get more eyes on your work. 

But in order to get featured, you have to know the right book blogs to follow! There are so many book review blogs out there, and not all of them will fit your niche or your readership. 

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Today we’re going to cover the best book blogs for each type of author, so you can reach out to bloggers and BookTokers for collaborations or guest posting opportunities. But before I dive into the best book blogs to market your book, let’s discuss why getting features is such a hot ticket. 

Getting featured on book blogs or BookTok can be instrumental to your book’s success. 

What is BookTok? It’s the book-obsessed corner of TikTok where publishers, authors, and voracious readers communicate through book reviews, reaction videos, book reenactments, recommendation lists, and more. 

If you can get featured on BookTok, or on a popular book blog, it can boost your sales through the roof – because there is a LOT of viewership potential here. 

Social media for authors is a powerful tool when leveraged correctly. You can get a lot more visibility for your author website or your book if you get featured on book blogs and social media channels. 

If you reach out to book bloggers, they can plug your book in their favorites lists, give an honest book review for your channel, and maybe let you do your own guest post on their website for extra visibility. 

If they have a super-established channel or book review blog, you may even be able to get editorial reviews from them for your book. 

Reaching out to book bloggers is something that should be on every author’s book launch checklist. That’s because building a big book launch team is one of the best ways to gain more book reviews at launch. You can send bloggers free advanced reader copies in exchange for reviews! 

If you want to start the collaboration process, then let’s take a look at some of the top book blogs and BookToks for promoting your literary work. 

30 Book Blogs + BookToks You Need to Follow

Here are the top book blogs to follow this year, from romance book blogs to mystery book blogs and more! 

1. Book Riot

Book Riot Book Blog

Book Riot is one of the best writing websites around – and it has some stellar book reviews. If you get featured on one of Book Riot’s reviews or recommendation lists, all eyes will be on you! 

2. The New York Times Book Review

The New York Times Book Review

The New York Times has a vast readership, and it’s one you can plug into with their book review blog! The New York Times Book Review offers in-depth reviews of new books, author interviews, and literary news. This is one of the top book sources in the literary world. 

3. Goodreads Blog

Goodreads Book Blog

Almost every reader is on Goodreads, but did you know they have their own book blog? The Goodreads blog features book reviews, author interviews, and reading lists – and you could snag any of them for yourself! 

4. BookPage

Bookpage Blog

Another great book blog to get featured on is BookPage. They do a monthly book review and also host author interviews, book recommendations, and news on the literary world. They cover a number of genres from fiction and nonfiction, to mysteries, romance novels, and sci fi. 

5. Pages Unbound 

Pages Unbound Book Reviews

Pages Unbound is a book blog that was co-founded by Briana and Krysta, two book-obsessed girls with a love of fantasy and the classics. If you are looking for a fantasy book blog, this would be a great option to reach out to for a book review. 

6. Little Bird Book Blog 

Little Bird Book Blog

Little Bird Book Blog was founded by Rosie, who has a fun and conversational writing style that really draws in the readership. She reads all kinds of books, but as of writing, her TBR list is too long to accept new book reviews. She is worth following and keeping an eye on though! 

7. Bookaholic Bex

Bookaholic Bex Book Reviews

If you aren’t following Bookaholic Bex, you are really missing out. Bex is one of the funniest, most authentic book bloggers there is. She also has a massive Twitter (X) following. This award-winning blogger should absolutely be reached out to for a feature. 

8. Lit Lemon Books

Lit Lemon Books Book Reviews

Mackenzie from Lit Lemon Books runs a mostly horror and fantasy book blog, so if you write either of these genres you should send your author media kit on over to her. She posts regular, thoughtful reviews of books – and their authors! 

9. Out of This World SFF 

Out Of This World Sff Book Blog

Out of This World SSF is a book blog dedicated to science fiction and fantasy book reviews. Nick usually focuses on new and upcoming books from less-known presses and independently published fiction. So if you are a new or self-published author, he could be a great fit for you! 

10. Spells & Spaceships 

Spells &Amp; Spaceships Book Blog

Spells & Spaceships is (you guessed it) another great sci-fi and fantasy book blog. Alex is a UK-based blogger, so if you are looking to grow your following there, he is a great person to contact. He reviews mostly adult fantasy and historical fiction, but some sci-fi and horror as well.

11. A Literary Escape 

A Literary Escape Fantasy Book Blog

A Literary Escape is another great fantasy book blog for you to get featured on. The blog is run by Celeste, who reads mostly fantasy but will also dabble in nonfiction and science fiction books. If you write any of those genres, reach out to Celeste for a review! 

12. The Cozy Review

Cozy Mystery Book Blog

Do you write cozy mysteries? If so, this mystery book blog is the one for you! The Cozy Review is all about cozy mystery books, and it’s the perfect place to expand your readership. 

13. Author A.D. Hay

Mystery Book Blog

Author A.D. Hay is another mystery book blog, but these mysteries aren’t just cozy. Amelia Hay loves thrillers, suspense novels, and locked room mysteries, and regularly reviews them on her blog. 

14. The Artsy Reader Girl 

The Artsy Reader Girl Blog

Jana is a traveling librarian with an avid following. Her book blog isn’t just for reviews (though it has plenty of those), it’s a full community for book lovers to join! Because her readership is so strong, That Artsy Reader Girl is a great blog to get featured on, regardless of your book genre. 

15. She Reads Romance

Top Romance Book Blog

Are you a romance author? Then She Reads Romance is for you. This romance book blog has a massive readership and is a great tool for getting your new romance book in front of over 7 MILLION sets of eyes in no time flat. 

16. Romance.io 

Romance Book Blog

If She Reads Romance doesn’t work out for you, there are plenty of other good romance book blogs to get featured on, and Romance.io is one of them. This book blog makes it easy for readers to find their new romance reads based on their favorite book tropes. 

17. Smart Bitches, Trashy Books 

Smart Bitches Trashy Books Blog

If you write smutty novels, then Smart Bitches, Trashy Books is precisely where you want to end up. These girls are a ton of fun, and they write really smart reviews about their favorite romance novels. They even have a podcast that you might be able to get a spot on! 

18. The Horror Bookshelf 

The Horror Bookshelf Horror Book Blog

Horror authors rejoice, there is a horror book blog just for you! At The Horror Bookshelf, Rich Duncan regularly reviews his favorite horror books and celebrates the work of talented horror authors. Could your book be next? 

19. Erica Robyn Reads 

Top Horror Book Blog

Erica Robyn Reads is another fantastic book blog for horror authors to get featured on. Erica especially loves to support indie horror authors, so if you are a new or self-published author, make sure to send your book her way. 

20. @aymansbooks   


With almost 950K followers, Ayman is the most popular BookToker there is. If you want your book to get seen, having her promote it on her channel will do the job! 

21. @ezeekat


Jaysen Headley (@ezeekat) is a dorky and loveable bookworm who regularly makes book recommendations. He prefers young adult novels, so if you’ve written something in the genre, he’s worth reaching out to.         

22. @thebooksiveloved


@thebooksiveloved is run by Pauline Juan. She features book recommendations, book reviews, and reaction videos on a regular basis, and over 500K people come to her for recommendations. 

23. @abbysbooks   


Abby of @abbysbooks is hilarious. She creates a reading “vibe” for every book she features, and adds a lot of humor to her reviews. She loves high fantasy, but has been known to review other types of books as well. She even features her favorite authors on her channel sometimes!   

24. @amyjordanj    


Amy Jordan chooses books based on an emotion, and she does a great job creating suspense with her book unveiling videos. With 436K followers, she has a huge viewership if you can snag a book review from her!        

25. @sydneyyybooks     


Are you a horror or thriller author? Then you need to know @sydneyyybooks. Sydney loves suspense and plot twists, and gives some of the best BookTok reviews I’ve had the pleasure of listening to.  

26. @jennajustreads 


@jennajustreads cannot stop reading – and over 350K people are thrilled about that! Her book recommendations are spot on, and she is a great person to collaborate with for getting your book featured on TikTok. 

27. @pjandbooks


Payten of @pjandbooks focuses on the diversity of authors and characters when she reads, so if that sounds like you, then reach out! She is also a sucker for romance, so if you’ve written anything Bridgerton-adjacent, she’s your girl! 

28. @caitsbooks


Cait of @caitsbooks is one of the OG BookTokers and her presence on both TikTok and Instagram is huge. She’s even launched her own book club. This author holds a lot of sway in promoting your next book.         

29. @schizophrenicreads


Not many people review nonfiction books on TikTok, but for Nathan, it’s his specialty! Nonfiction authors rejoice – @schizophrenicreads is your corner of BookTok. Memoirs, history books, essays, Nathan reads them all.

30. @baker.reads


Are you a horror author? Brandon of @baker.reads wants to hear from you! He loves to review a new horror or thriller book, and he could just be the collaboration you’re looking for. 

Ready to Reach Out to Book Bloggers?

If you want to collaborate with book blogs, you want to make sure you are selling yourself well. And that means having a stellar author media kit

If you aren’t sure how to put together an author media kit, or how to create a book launch team, the team at selfpublishing.com is here to help. 

We assist authors with every step of the self-publishing process from book outlines to marketing tactics. If you’d like a little help yourself, feel free to reach out to our team for a free strategy call today!

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