Alliance Of Independent Authors Review

Reviews, Uncategorized • Apr 22, 2024 • 6 mins
Posted by Sarah Rexford

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If you are a self-published author, or aspiring self-published author, this Alliance of Independent Authors review is for you.

While I go into more specifics below, if you are close to publishing your first book (or already have), the Alliance of Independent Authors could be an invaluable next step for you.

Not only does this alliance provide you with a great community of fellow writers, but for a standard subscription fee, you have access to podcasts, videos, membership perks, and more. 

Life as an author doesn’t end when you publish your first book, in fact, it’s just the beginning. The Alliance of Independent Authors can stand as the guide you need to continue your author journey. Let’s get into it! 

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What is the Alliance of Independent Authors?

The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) is a non-profit, professional association specifically geared toward authors who self-publish. 

Their mission is twofold: 

The Alliance of Independent Authors boasts a team that is spread across the globe. In fact, they have members representing all seven continents.

In addition, they work with both ambassadors and advisors to provide the following for writers:

  • Trusted information on best-practices
  • Standout advice to the author community
  • An extensive suite of benefits for members

The Alliance of Independent Authors provides a host of other services as well, including: 

  • Outreach campaigns
  • A self-publishing services center
  • Guidebooks

If you’re thinking, I wrote a book, now what?, just keep reading. 

Alliance of Independent Authors review

The Alliance of Independent Authors boasts members on all seven continents. For this reason alone it’s worth looking into. Let’s start with pros and cons. 

Pros and cons 

When you become a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors, you receive many benefits. 

On their website, they state many pros: 

  • Member forum
    • A forum to ask questions and ability to reach out privately via email 
  • Discounts
    • A range of discounts depending on the type of membership you choose 
  • Contacts
    • Perhaps best of all, “Connects with book fairs, booksellers, distributors, literary festivals, self-publishing services, and rights buyers on your behalf. In addition, we have close partnerships with Amazon KDP, Apple Books, Google Books, IngramSpark, Kobo, and a wide range of other approved self-publishing services (Partner Members).”
  • Free books and resources
    • Regularly updated, downloadable guides 
    • A quarterly member magazine 
  • Legal and business advice
    • Downloadable agreement templates as well as annotated contracts
  • Rights licensing services
    • Looking to land a movie deal? ALLi offers, “A rights desk, rights reachout service, and dedicated literary agent focus on helping our qualifying members to selectively license and sell their translation, TV, film and other rights.”
  • Member database
    • If you choose to become a member, your name appears in their ‘Find an indie author’ member database. This database is “trawled by literary festivals, event organizers, journalists, publishers, literary agents, and online retailers in search of successful indie authors.”

There are many benefits to joining the Alliance of Independent Authors. However, a review isn’t complete without a list of cons. Before joining, ask yourself if you’re committed to becoming a successful, self-published author. If you can motivate yourself, this is a great place for you. 

But, if you need more one-on-one encouragement, a book writing coach may be a better option for you. 

A second con is also listed as one of their pros: legal and business advice. While they offer templates for you to use, they clearly state they are not lawyers. Be sure to consult with a lawyer before signing any official documents. 

Additionally, it’s important to consider whether or not you have the time commitment to take advantage of at least some of the above resources, or at least enough time to cover your investment in the service. 

How much does it cost?

Speaking of investment, the Alliance of Independent Authors’ price points vary based on which tier you sign up for. There are three different options to choose from. Each one offers a variety of bonuses and perks. 

Look through the following breakdown to identify which one best suits your specific needs.

Associate: $89

The Associate membership profile is $89 per year. This is a great membership for those learning the writing craft, pursuing publication, or considering it for the first time.

Author: $119

The Author membership profile is a bit higher in cost but also provides more resources. These resources include speaking and writing opportunities, among others. 

Authorpreneur: $149

This top tier membership profile is $149 annually and the highest level you can access. The Authorpreneur tier offers the most resources for this premium price. 

Is the subscription worth it?

Deciding if a subscription to the Alliance of Independent Authors largely depends on your budget, goals, and needs. As you looked through the various perks, did specific ones catch your eye? If so, you may want to consider the investment.

Remember, investing in your work today helps boost your chances of success tomorrow. 

If you feel a bit hesitant to sign up for an annual membership, there’s good news for you. They offer “a 28-day, no quibble, refund policy.” In addition, they offer a partner membership for approved self-publishing services.

You may also want to skim through this blog that answers how much does an author make per book. Do the math to determine how many books you would need to sell to make up your annual membership fee, and then do your best to sell that number in one year. 

If the Alliance of Independent Authors helps you meet or even exceed your goal, it’s likely worth it.

Who should use it?

Aspiring self-publishing authors, self-published authors, and even successful authors can all benefit from this platform. Not only will you find valuable resources to help you in your author journey, but you’ll likely sell even more books if you invest in this alliance. 

For writers who feel they lack a strong writing community, this alliance could also be a valuable addition to their writing career. Make use of the forum and connect with like-minded authors. 

Do you want to find writers who can guide you through how to write a self-help book? A fantasy novel? Due to ALLi’s presence on every continent around the globe, you’re sure to find a great writing community that fits your needs. 

What are the alternatives? 

There are many alternatives to the Alliance of Independent Authors, but this alliance offers so many perks, it’s highly worth considering. 

If you do want to look into alternatives, here are a few reviews to get you started: 

Do your research, and then get back to writing!

Take your next step today

There are so many successful self-published authors today, and you could be the next. There are so many reasons why you should write your book now, in 2024

But the key to writing your book is taking your first step. To help you get off to a strong beginning, book a free call with one of our team members. They can help provide you with the clarity you need to boldly take your next step!

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