Writers Block Help — Get Unstuck Quick in 13 Steps

Writing • Dec 15, 2022 • 6 mins
Posted by Jackie Pearce

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Dealing with writers block is no joke, but you’re in the right place if you’re looking for writers block help.

Writers block is a phenomenon that has been plaguing creatives since the dawn of time.

While people are still looking into why it happens, this article is going to focus more on some tactics you can use to fight it when it happens.

Bookmark this article so you have it handy nearby when you’re stuck writing. Hopefully one of them works for you to finally get unstuck and get back to writing.

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Writers Block Help

If you’ve been stuck on your writing, don’t worry, there are a few different ways you can tackle your block head-on to let your creativity flow again.

The last thing you want to do is sit there and force the writing to come. It almost never works that way and your writing will stall even more.

You’ll also be more susceptible to burnout if you try and force yourself to keep writing when your brain is creatively stuck.

Most people who try to force themselves through a creative rut just end up even more frustrated and start to resent the art of writing altogether.

Instead, let’s talk about things you can try to save yourself from that outcome.

#1 -Outline and research more

There’s a famous saying that if you’re not ready to write, you haven’t researched enough.

While it can be a fine line between too much and too little research, you could try researching more to see if it helps you get started.

You might also need to switch up the type of research you do. If you’re reading books on a subject and feel stuck, you might want to do some YouTube videos to see if that sparks your creativity.

#2 – Explain it to a friend

One huge part of writers block is trying explain what we want to say.

One way to make the barrier to creative writing lower is to pretend you’re explaining what you want to say to a friend.

That way, you’re able to say it casually and get out exactly what you want to say.

You could even put your thoughts into a text-to-speech editor so you can end up with a ton of writing to edit once you’ve explained it out loud.

#3 – Start in the middle

Sometimes, the beginning of writing is where people get stuck.

They want to open their whole article or book with a grandiose beginning that will lure the reader in, but that pressure blocks them from putting any words on the page at all.

Instead, dive right into the action and the meat of where you want. Put your characters right into the heat of the battle and just start writing as much as you can.

You might even want to start at the end if that helps get you putting words on the page and moving forward.

#4 – Change your location

You might need a change of scenery in order to get out of your writing block.

If you’ve been writing at your office desk, maybe it’s time to get out and go to a local coffee shop.

A ton of famous writers have been known for renting hotels or having writing cabins to get out of their regular routines and change up their environments.

Even if you can’t get out of your house, you could write in a different place in your house or do something like re-arrange your desk to spark some creativity.

#5 – Change up your writing tools

If you’re struggling to write your story on your laptop, maybe what you need is a technology break and you should try writing your story with a good ol’ fashioned notebook.

Much like writing in the same location, writing with the same tools can become frustrating, especially if you’re feeling like you’re stuck with your writing.

Maybe you want to use a tablet, maybe a notebook, maybe you need a mechanical keyboard, maybe you want to go really old fashioned and get a typewriter.

Try something new and see if it can get you putting words on a page again.

#6 – Take time away from writing

Maybe you simply just need a break from writing. Take the weekend off to think about anything else but your story and do something else that refreshes you.

In the same way we get our most creative ideas when we’re away from our computers, you might get your best ideas when you take a technology detox and step away for a bit.

This doesn’t mean to take a break and do something equally draining or some chores. Do something that actually fills your mental bucket and makes you feel refreshed.

#7 – Take time to get into a routine

If you’ve just started your journey as a writer, know it’s going to take time for the habit to build.

If you haven’t written anything since you were in school, it’s not easy to just flip a switch and start writing hundreds or thousands of words every single day.

It will take time for your brain to get into this groove.

#8 – Write in your own way

Just because your favorite author writes every morning at 5 AM by candlelight, doesn’t mean you have to.

Or just because Hemingway’s theory was to “write drunk, edit sober” doesn’t mean you need to do that, either.

It’s worth it to test various times of days and various locations to see what works for you to write the most.

You might also find different times are better for different types of writing. For example, maybe you’re the most creative in the morning but do your best editing at night.

#9 – Get inspired for your writing

It might be the time to turn back to your favorite book or movie to give you a jolt of creativity.

There is nothing better than being inspired by a good story to get your back in the mindset of being creative.

Most of us have authors who inspired us to become writers in the first place, so getting that inspiration back in your brain might do wonders for you.

#10 – Work on it for a set amount of time

You’ve most likely heard of the pomodoro technique, which is when you write for 25 minutes, take a break, then repeat.

It’s a great way to get started, knowing that there’s an end.

Sometimes it’s easier to approach writing in chunks of time instead of, “Write all of chapter 1” which would be daunting on anyone’s to do list.

#11 – Write something else

You might be able to break through your writer’s block by tackling something else to write.

Maybe you write a few blogs, or tackle some emails you’ve been putting off.

Just mixing up your writing style and making sure you’re able to put words on a page can give you the confidence to get back to your important project.

#12 – Sign up for a writing course

If you keep getting stuck, even after doing all of the tips listed here, you could sign up for a writing course to help you.

That way, you’ll get direct feedback and community support to help you carry on with your writing.

At the very least, you could ask some friends if they want to write with you and you could all meet up to hold each other accountable for writing.

#13 – Know it won’t last forever

Even if you’re deeply struggling with writers block, know that it never lasts forever.

Eventually, the creativity comes back and if it doesn’t for some reason, take your writing passion and come up with a new project.

Next steps

Ready to get unstuck? Get your book published and done in 90 days!

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