Punchy Books Accelerator Course Review: A Full Guide

Reviews • 6 mins
Posted by Christopher Ortiz

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Living in the world today increasingly feels like one big competition. All around us we see various tv shows, podcasts and videos online talking about how to gain a competitive edge, maximize our potential and make the most of our abilities.

On top of that, the cost of living seems to always be increasing, placing even more emphasis on intelligent money management and becoming financially literate.

But with these demands placed upon us, how can one actually take steps to make the necessary adjustments and improvements to thrive?

Various companies offer courses to either learn new skills or upskill the abilities we already have. Accelerated due to the pandemic, a lot of those courses are available entirely remotely, resulting in an easier access to the information.

But with such a plethora of courses available it can be difficult to decide which one is the best choice.

Hopefully that is where this article can help, as we review a course available on Maven which is targeted at helping people become published authors.

This Punchy Books Accelerator Course review contains:

  1. What is Maven?
  2. Punchy Books Accelerator Course – What is it?
  3. Who is this course for?
  4. Punchy Books Accelerator Course reviews
  5. What are the alternatives to the Punchy Books Accelerator Course?
  6. Punchy Books Accelerator Course review – final verdict

What is Maven?

Maven is a company and website that offers online learning programmes across a wide number of topics.

Experts can sign up to become teachers who then lead cohorts through training programmes based upon their knowledge and expertise in their designated field of expertise.

Punchy Books Accelerator Course – What is it?

The course we will be reviewing today is called the Punchy Books Accelerator Course which is run by Matt Rudnitsky who is the author of a book called The Book Whisperer.

The basic premise is that in twelve to thirteen weeks, anyone who signs up can go from having a vague idea to being a published expert.

As per the course page, the topics covered within this course include:

Find Your One Golden Idea – Streamline your stories and expertise into one golden idea that readers can’t help but read and recommend to friends. Reframe your doubts, fears and uncertainties into selling points that differentiate you in your market’s sea of sameness.

Write Your Punchy Book (In Your Own Voice) – The writing phase: uncover your natural writing voice through the “Word Vomit” and “Same, Same But Different” methods, eliminate distractions by using simple habit-building tricks, and build a consistent writing routine that doesn’t feel like pulling teeth (the “50% rule”).

Choose Your Time Tested Structure – Using our database of time-tested, plug-and-play templates (based on a variety of bestselling books), choose which structure is best for you. You’ll know exactly what ideas and stories should go where, while still leaving room for your original, secret sauce.

Minimalist Marketing – There’s only one effective way to market your book, long term: word of mouth. How do we do it? With the simplest marketing plan possible. The “marketing” part is easy. No need for paid ads or shameless self-promotion. The “writing a book that people talk about” part is hard.

The course will take place alongside a group of cohorts, with the aim being that this will create a level of active learning, provide both accountability and feedback as well as provide camaraderie for all learners.

The total price for the course is $3997. 

Who is this course for?

As per the course information, it is primarily aimed at 3 groups of people;

  1. Entrepreneurs, Creators and Experts – People who have expertise to share and have always wanted to write a book but never knew how or when to do so.
  2. Inexperienced Writers with deep expertise and wisdom – People who have started fleshing out ideas for their writing but the process has seemed too overwhelming to know where to start
  3. Intelligent People who need accountability – Anyone who feels like they have imposter syndrome but have big goals for their writing. 

Punchy Books Accelerator Course reviews

On the course page, there are a number of testimonials praising both the course itself and Matt who runs it.

Specific praise includes users who appreciated his “clear and great advice” and his ability to encourage his students to “dig deeper” to reach their full potential.

Whilst these comments are encouraging and show that the course can work for some, it is worth saying that naturally only the most positive comments and glowing reviews will be selected to appear on the site.

An independent search online shows that some users felt it was not value for money, as well as commenting that there is no refund policy if the course does not work for them. 

What are the alternatives to the punchy books accelerator course?

Writers looking for assistance in publishing their book will of course have more than just this course as an option available to them.

There are numerous courses to be found online offering similar services which may suit some writers better due to price point, course length or the type of coaching they wish to receive.

Some writers also may feel that they work better in a one on one environment or with a coach that is less brash if they are of a more introverted or quiet disposition.

Away from courses, writers will find a world of information, and a lot of it free, available online. A quick internet search for any topic along the self publishing lines yields thousands of results and a lot of it is of great quality and very insightful.

Finally, writers also have the option of joining a writing group or attending writing classes in their own time. You can also check out our Masterclass review if you are considering taking some online writing courses.

Any writer seeking help with not only completing their book but making the transition into self publishing should consider all options available to them, evaluate their personal circumstances and finances, and then make the best decision from there.

Punchy Books Accelerator Course review – final verdict

Ultimately, the Punchy Books Accelerator Course is definitely worthwhile for any writer’s consideration but should be viewed as a potential option rather than a necessity.

Firstly, this is due to the fact that the price point is high. At just shy of $4000, the outlay is significant and many writers simply will not be in a position to hand over such a large sum.

Secondly, some of the language used when speaking about the course itself on the website will likely be off putting for many. “Making competition irrelevant”, “skyrocket your credibility” and describing the current market as a “sea of sameness” does not seem like the most mature or productive approach to writing a book and feels more like the language you would see on a trading room floor than in a writers room.

Finally, the course length and scheduled time slots for classes with the other learners, is likely to be productive and keep momentum going but is also not flexible.

Aspiring writers may well be balancing their ambition to become published with other commitments and therefore need to learn on their own time.

Overall, the course clearly works for those in the right circumstances to give it their all both financially and in their personal life, but for many others it may not be the best path forward.

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