Living in the world today increasingly feels like one big competition. All around us, we see various TV shows, podcasts, and videos online talking about how to gain a competitive edge, maximize our potential, and make the most of our abilities. And the same can be said for publishing courses and self-publishing options.
One such option you may have found is the Punchy Books Accelerator. Reviewing the program, you may be wondering if this is right for you. So today, we’re taking a look at what’s included in this program, what the online reviews say, and what your alternatives might be.
If you’re an aspiring author looking for guidance, you’ve probably searched “self-publishing courses,” only to be met with an onslaught of options. This Punchy Books Accelerator Review is meant to help you sift through your options!
Punchy Books Accelerator Course – What is it?
The course we will be reviewing today is called the Punchy Books Accelerator Course, which is run by Matt Rudnitsky, two-time author of Smart Sports Betting and You Are An Author.
Matt is the Founder of Platypus Publishing and has been in the self-publishing industry for over a decade. He’s passionate about helping authors write and sell their books, taking a no-nonsense approach to his marketing.

The basic premise of the program is that in twelve to thirteen weeks, anyone can go from having a vague idea to being a published expert.
As per the course page, the topics covered within this course include:
- Find Your One Golden Idea – Streamline your stories and expertise into one golden idea that readers can’t help but read and recommend to friends. Reframe your doubts, fears and uncertainties into selling points that differentiate you in your market’s sea of sameness.
- Write Your Punchy Book (In Your Own Voice) – The writing phase: uncover your natural writing voice through Matt’s proprietary “Word Vomit” and “Same, Same But Different” methods, eliminate distractions by using simple habit-building tricks, and build a consistent writing routine that doesn’t feel like pulling teeth (the “50% rule”).
- Choose Your Time-Tested Structure – Use their database of time-tested, plug-and-play templates (based on a variety of bestselling books), to find a structure for your own book.
- Minimalist Marketing – In this program, they teach that there is only one effective way to market your book long term: word of mouth. And they teach you how to master the art of word-of-mouth marketing.
As the name suggests, the program seems focused on shorter, punchy books, as well as helping authors get their books successfully written as quickly as possible.
Who is this course for?
As per the course information, it is primarily aimed at 3 groups of people;
- Entrepreneurs or thought leaders – People who have expertise to share and have always wanted to write a book but never knew how or when to do so.
- Inexperienced writers with deep expertise and wisdom – People who have started fleshing out ideas for their writing, but the process has seemed too overwhelming to know where to start
- Intelligent people who need accountability – Anyone who feels like they have imposter syndrome but have big goals for their writing.
Punchy Books Accelerator Course reviews
On the course page, there are a number of testimonials praising both the course itself and Matt, the author who runs it.
Specific praise includes users who appreciated his “clear and great advice” and his ability to encourage his students to “dig deeper” to reach their full potential.
Whilst these comments are encouraging and show that the course can work for some, it is worth saying that naturally only the most positive comments and glowing reviews will be selected to appear on the site.
An independent online search shows that some users felt it was not worth the money, and they commented that there is no refund policy if the course does not work for them.
However, after speaking with Matt, we learned that there is a generous refund policy. Punchy Books Accelerator offers a “double your money guarantee” for the current version of the course. The guarantee is that you will double your money if you follow the program and complete all the course deliverables.
Anyone who doesn’t double their investment from this course will get 1:1 coaching from Matt himself for 30 days and then a refund, plus $1,000 extra if they still don’t double their money.
While the former Punchy Books Accelerator reviews are mixed, the current refund policy is quite generous and highlights that Matt truly believes in his product.
What are the alternatives to the punchy books accelerator course?
Writers looking for assistance in publishing their book will, of course, have more than just this online book publishing course as an option available to them.
There are numerous courses to be found online offering similar services, which may suit some writers better due to price point, course length, or the type of coaching they wish to receive.
Some writers may also feel that they work better in a one-on-one environment or with a coach that is less brash if they are of a more introverted or quiet disposition.
Away from courses, writers will find a world of information, and a lot of it free, available online. A quick internet search for any topic along the self-publishing lines yields thousands of results, and a lot of it is of excellent quality and very insightful.
Finally, writers can also join a writing group or attend writing classes in their own time. You can also check out our Masterclass review if you are considering taking some online writing courses.
Any writer seeking help with not only completing their book but making the transition into self-publishing should consider all options available to them, evaluate their personal circumstances and finances, and then make the best decision from there.
Punchy Books Accelerator Course review – final verdict
Ultimately, the Punchy Books Accelerator Course is definitely worthwhile for any writer’s consideration but should be viewed as a potential option rather than a necessity.
Who could this course be for? After checking out the Punchy Books Accelerator reviews and course pages, it seems like a fit for those who prefer no-frills training and have an equally to-the-point book idea, with the time and money to fully commit in the next couple of months.
If you are interested in writing a longer book, fiction, or an entire series, this may not be the right program for you. The entire program seems very focused on growing your influence as an expert, so those looking to publish a book as a passion project or become a full-time fiction author may get more benefit from a course, coach, and community that has the same goals in mind.
Secondly, some of the language used when speaking about the course may simply not resonate with your writing and learning style, such as “Punchy Books are provocative” or “Punchy books are honest (written by honest, semi-experts instead of douches in suits).” Matt even acknowledges this later on the page with “Why should I believe this weirdo who keeps typing strange phrases, such as Hoity Toity?” Some people will find this refreshing and honest, while others would prefer a more professional approach. This will ultimately come down to your own personal preference.
Finally, it’s not clear when or how to access the course. The Punchy Books Accelerator page says that the course is closed to the public, but you can watch Matt’s masterclass and get more information via the Platypus Publishing webpage.
Overall, this is an online self-publishing course offered by a well-respected name in the self-publishing industry. It may be worth considering for time-strapped, nonfiction authors who prefer a cut-to-the-chase approach and envision themselves writing shorter books.
Fiction authors or nonfiction authors who want a blend of done-for-you and do-it-yourself services may find other programs that are more tailored to their specific goals.