If you’re looking for the best free plagiarism checker, you’ve come to the right place. At selfpublishing.com, we’ve helped hundreds of writers to successfully (and safely) launch their books on the market. And safety is key here, because even if you try to write an original work, NO ONE wants to run into legal issues.
Part of the fun of writing a book is simply the freedom that comes with it. There’s something powerful about starting with a blank page and creating an article, blog, short story, or book that has the potential of impacting thousands.
Crafting your thoughts, ideas, or themes and sharing them with the world is a privilege. It’s wonderful to be able to give back. However, sometimes there is the difficulty of coming up with something new.
If you’re a writer, chances are you’re also a reader. You’ve read multiple books in the genre you write, books in genres you don’t write, books on writing, articles on writing…you name it, you’ve read it.
But now it’s time to write your story.
The three point story structure has been used over and over. Some plot twists are even cliché by now. In nonfiction writing, some of the best sentences just stick in your subconscious. They are that good.
So when it comes time to write, it can be a little intimidating. You want to write something fresh and new, but you’ve been inspired by so many great writers and read so many fantastic books. Sometimes separating others’ writing from your own ideas can feel daunting.
You don’t want to steal their ideas, but you have been inspired by them. How do you know if you’ve crossed the line?
That’s where the best free plagiarism checkers come in.
Using an application to check your work for plagiarism can free you up to write your best work unhindered. If a sentence has been used before, don’t worry, a plagiarism checker will let you know. But before we get into what the best free plagiarism checker options are, let’s quickly discuss what a plagiarism checker is.
We will also give you a couple incredible paid options, just in case you want to put some money into protecting your work.
What is a plagiarism checker?
A plagiarism checker is a tool that checks your writing for plagiarism.
According to Merriam Webster, to plagiarize is: To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own; use (another’s production) without crediting the source.
To commit literary theft; present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
Plagiarism checks are often thought of in regards to high school or college students. It’s so simple to check for a fact online and copy and paste it into a paper, so sometimes students fall into this trap.
But unintentional plagiarism is all too real as well. You might do all the work of research, and forget to switch everything into your own words.
Plagiarism often results in a failing grade for students.
When it comes to professional writers, plagiarism is likely not done on purpose but whether it’s intentional or unintentional, it’s not acceptable and can have serious consequences. Luckily, the best free plagiarism checkers can help.
Are you plagiarizing if you use quotes?
Sometimes we need the research of other writers, or the way another author says something is just too perfect to pass up.
It’s acceptable to include information other writers have written, as long as it’s credited in the correct way.
Direct quotes are also acceptable in many cases.
Just be cautious to respect other writers’ work, give credit where credit is due, and remember your writing is why readers read your work. They want to read what you have to say and how you have to say it. That’s why they bought your book.
As you continue your journey as a writer, don’t let fear of plagiarizing someone else keep you from writing.
A plagiarism checker helps ensure your writing is your own, not someone else’s. As writers working on our craft, that’s what we want anyway. We want to make sure what we write is from our own creative minds, not someone else’s. So let’s dive into the best free plagiarism checker options in 2024.
The 10 best free plagiarism checkers
Below is a list of the best free plagiarism checkers. As you look through the list, take note of the different aspects each offers and which would be most helpful for you.
1. Plagiarism Checker by Grammarly
One of the best free plagiarism checkers around comes from Grammarly.
According to Grammarly, their plagiarism checker, “Can detect plagiarism from billions of web pages as well as from ProQuest’s academic databases. Our free plagiarism check will tell you whether or not your text contains duplicate content. Our Premium plagiarism check highlights passages that require citations and gives you the resources you need to properly credit your sources.”
This is one of the best free plagiarism checkers because it contains a citation feature. It’s easy to forget to give credit to where certain information was found. Grammarly will let you know if a passage requires citation and will help you figure out exactly how to cite your work.
That being said, if you want your specific writing voice to stay authentic to you, this may not be the best added feature for you.
2. PlagiarismCheck.org

Plagiarism Checker is one of the best free plagiarism checkers because it uses three distinct checks: “Rearrangements in word order and overall sentence structure. Substituting words with synonyms. Changing sentence voice from active to passive, and vice versa.”
You are free to do your research and be inspired by other writers, all while knowing if you subconsciously repeat a sentence you’ve read, you’ll be notified to change it.
With Plagiarism Checker for students, you can check one free page before needing to upgrade to a plan.
One specific pro of Plagiarism Checker is that PlagiarismCheck.org uses an advanced algorithm to avoid false positives, and it doesn’t flag short phrases that are widely accepted.
3. Copyleaks Plagiarism Checker
Next on our list of the best free plagiarism checkers is Copyleaks. The plagiarism checker tool provided by Copyleaks is simple and fast to use, and is capable of providing you with a thorough breakdown of the text you write.
You can get started using Copyleaks for free with up to 20 free scans a month. Depending on your writing needs, this could be a very helpful option. If it’s necessary for you to go through more than 20 scans a month, you may need to look for other options on our list of the best free plagiarism checkers.
4. Quetext
Quetext has both free and paid plagiarism check options. We’ve added Quetext to our list of the best free plagiarism checkers because it has a user-friendly interface and offers a comprehensive plagiarism check. It highlights and identifies similarities in the text, making it easy for users to understand and correct potential issues.
That being said, you can only check the first 500 words for free. If you are concerned about a specific passage, Quetext will be a great option for you. They are an industry-leading developer of plagiarism detection technology, so you know the check will be accurate.
If you would like to pay a little more for their services, the pro plan is $9.99 a month per user for 100,000 words (200 pages).
5. Small SEO Tools Plagiarism Checker
The plagiarism checker by Small SEO Tools is one of the best free plagiarism checkers around. Why? Well, it not only is extremely accurate for checking plagiarism, it can also generate reports on your writing in terms of SEO. If you are planning on using your writing online in a blog or article, this could be an incredible perk for you.
They also have an option to help you rewrite plagiarized work with new wording.
This checker is very easy to use and offers a quick analysis of your content.
6. PlagScan by Turnitin

Plagscan offers a truly comprehensive free plagiarism checker. It allows users to check for plagiarism in academic papers and other documents and offers detailed reports that are adaptable to your needs. You can print your report as a PDF file, or use an interactive browser to collaborate with other writers.
7. DupliChecker
DupliChecker is a simple and effective plagiarism checker that provides accurate results. It allows users to check content against billions of web pages and academic papers, ensuring there is a wide reach. It also offers a rapid analysis of the submitted content, so you can swiftly get the answers you need.
8. PaperRater

If you are looking for the best free plagiarism checker with extra tools added in, PaperRater might be a good option for you. PaperRater offers a combination of grammar checking, writing suggestions, and plagiarism detection, so it can help improve the overall quality of your work.
9. PlagiarismDetector.net
PlagiarismDetector.net provides a straightforward and efficient plagiarism checking service. It scans content and highlights potential matches, and allows you to check up to 25,000 words for free, which is a lot higher word count than some of the other options on this list.
10. Plagiarism Checker by EduBirdie
Last on our list of the best free plagiarism checkers is EduBirdie. EduBirdie is a professional essay writing service that is widely used by both students and educators. It has a free plagiarism checker that is easy to use and provides a detailed report highlighting potential issues.
Of course, sometimes even the best free plagiarism checker can get things wrong. If you are concerned about the legality of your writing, you can always pay for a plagiarism checker – after all, no tool is more expensive than legal fees!
The best paid plagiarism checkers
If you are a full-time writer, someone pursuing full-time writing, or someone who writes copy (copywriter, SEO, branding, etc.) as a job, paying for a plagiarism checker may be a helpful option.
Below are a couple of the best paid options:
ProWritingAid checks your work against over a billion web pages and academic papers to ensure it is original. It also has many writing features such as checks for grammar, spelling, readability, and in-app suggestions as you make edits.
If you’re looking for edit suggestions, this may be the perfect software for you. However, if you are trying to stick to specific editing guidelines, this may prove to be a frustration.
We have a full ProWritingAid review if you would like to learn more.
Copyscape is separated into two entities, Content Buyers and Site Owners. They break it down below:
“Content buyers – Use Copyscape Premium to check the originality of new content before publication. By avoiding duplicate content, your site becomes more valuable to your customers and more visible to search engines.
Site owners – Use Copyscape Premium to track down plagiarism of your site’s content. By detecting unauthorized copies of your content, you protect your intellectual property and preserve your unique online identity.”
If you aren’t a content buyer or a site owner but want your writing checked, another software may be a little more attuned to your specific needs as a writer.
Get your original writing out in the world
Using the best free plagiarism checkers above can help you as you work to present your own writing in your own words, every single time.
You can continue reading all the books. Continue letting authors inspire your work. Continue writing. Continue editing. Continue putting your work out into the world.
Just before you click publish or finish that final edit, run your work through a plagiarism checker. Make sure it’s your writing, authentic to you and your voice, how you communicate, and then run with it.
Writing is a powerful tool. Use it well, and enjoy the process! If you happen to need help with other parts of the writing process, such as book marketing or choosing between self-publishing vs traditional publishing, the team at selfpublishing.com can help. You can reach out for a free strategy call today.