1000’s of Narrative Writing Prompts to Overcome Writer’s Block

Writing • Aug 29, 2023 • 5 mins
Posted by Nicole Ahlering

Inspiration is notoriously fickle. You think of the perfect idea for your book in the middle of a meeting or while you’re driving down the highway. But as soon as you sit down at the keyboard—poof—your muses have left the building. 

Of course, this is no excuse not to write. As Jack London said: “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” 

This is where narrative writing prompts come in. 

Writing Prompt Generator
for Book Ideas

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Writing Prompt Generator
for Book Ideas

Your Book Prompt:

The reality is you have tons of good ideas. They’re just not at the front of your mind, ready to be put on the page. Narrative writing prompts are a non-threatening way to coax those ideas out of hiding. 

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What are narrative prompts?

In short, a written narrative is a story or an account of experiences or events.

Therefore, narrative prompts are specific instructions or questions that serve as a starting point for creating a narrative or story. They are designed to stimulate the imagination and guide your thoughts while developing a coherent and engaging narrative.

Remember, there are many types of narratives. Whether you’re writing a fiction novel (an imagined narrative) or writing a nonfiction book (a book based on a true story). They can be written from a first, second-person, third-person, or omniscient perspective. Narratives can be about anything. 

A narrative prompt, then, can be as simple as a single sentence or a more complex paragraph, providing background information, characters, story settings, or writing themes to explore.

Why is a narrative writing prompts generator helpful?

Most authors know the value of writing prompts when facing that dreaded writer’s block. But the primary goal of using a narrative writing prompts generator is to spark creativity and encourage you to think outside the box while constructing a compelling and well-structured story.

Do you think Harper Lee sat down and said, “I’m going to write the next great American Novel?” What about Fitzgerald or Melville?


Chances are they followed their curiosity and experimented before writing the masterpieces we love. And a narrative writing prompts generator can help you take the same approach – while coming up with hundreds of free prompts for you!

How to get free ideas with the narrative writing prompts generator 

If you’re an author, our writing prompts generator is here to ignite your imagination and kickstart your writing journey. AI-powered and loaded with random prompts and story-starters, it’s continuously updated to give you fresh narrative ideas. 

Writing Prompt Generator
for Book Ideas

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Writing Prompt Generator
for Book Ideas

Your Book Prompt:

Step 1: Choose your writing type 

Select “Fiction” if you’re ready to craft a novel or imaginative story. Opt for “Nonfiction” if you’re inspired to pen a book based on real-life experiences.

Step 2: Dive into your favorite genre 

There are many genres within fiction and non-fiction. Some authors have a hard time finding their home on the long list of book genres. A narrative writing prompt generator could help you solidify that! Start with one you’re interested in exploring for your upcoming book (and remember: you’re allowed to change). 

Step 3: Summon the magic 

With your writing type selected, click the orange “generate” button. The generator will conjure up a unique narrative writing prompt matching your criteria.

Step 4: Find your community for more inspiration  

Need writing motivation and perhaps a bit of direction for your book-writing journey? That’s what we do here! You can join our vibrant community of both successful and first-time authors by sharing your information with us on the narrative writing prompts generator page. We offer everything from free tools (like this one) to guided, one-on-one book writing coaching for your author journey.

Learn More: Author Advantage Accelerator

Not interested? No worries. Just click “no thanks” to delve straight into your free, unlimited prompts.

Step 5: Get 1,000s of free narrative writing prompts  

Click “Generate” to usher in a new prompt until you find the perfect one for you. 

Feel free to keep coming back as often as you need!

Writing Prompt Generator
for Book Ideas

I want to write...



Writing Prompt Generator
for Book Ideas

Your Book Prompt:

Other ways to improve your narrative 

Narrative writing prompts are an excellent way to change your perspective, boost your creative thinking, and explore the possibilities for your narrative. Here are a few other tips to keep in mind as you write your book

  • Remember to show, not tell. This writing advice is a little cliched for a reason. Your story will be much more compelling if you describe the tears rolling down your character’s face instead of saying, “he’s sad.” 
  • Experiment with different tones. There is nearly an endless amount of different tones in writing. And each one has a way of making your story come to life in a new way.
  • Pace your story. Just like life, a good story will have moments of excitement or tension followed by periods of calm. 
  • Use descriptive language. You don’t need to go over the top, but occasional vivid details can add a lot to your plot. 
  • Make sure your characters have dimension. This means they should have clear personalities, character flaws, and motivations. Give your readers someone to connect with! 

Final Thoughts

Whether your narrative is fiction or nonfiction, it requires creativity and inspiration to get your thoughts on the page. The narrative writing prompts generator is a great way to get started. Plus, most authors will tell you the important part of a writing practice is to write, and prompts can be the vehicle for that. They help you establish a writing habit, build confidence, and develop discipline—even if none of the content from the prompt ends up in your story. 

We also love that narrative writing prompts encourage you to explore genres, storylines or characters you’d never considered. You never know where your best ideas are hiding!

For more creative guidance, schedule a book consultation or get inspiration by learning about your author DNA, below!

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