How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: 11 Helpful Tips

Self-Help, Writing • Apr 29, 2024 • 7 mins
Posted by Chad Aleo

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You’re staring down the blank white page of doom and trying to figure out how to make yourself do your job. You don’t feel qualified – why is anyone trusting you to do this!? TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Before you let yourself spiral, you can learn how to overcome imposter syndrome.

If you suffer from imposter syndrome, it can be absolutely crippling to your productivity – and forget trying to be creative at your job. When you feel like a fraud, even showing up can be a battle. 

But you don’t just have to live with this feeling. There are ways to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome. I was able to do it myself! And I will teach you my top tips today. But before I tell you how to overcome imposter syndrome, let’s make sure you understand what it is. 

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What is impostor syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a feeling of self-doubt when it comes to your accomplishments. You might think you don’t deserve your job, or praise for the work you have done. 

Sometimes, you don’t feel like you have the right to do the work in the first place, such as having crippling imposter syndrome when learning how to write a book

How to tell if you have imposter syndrome

You might already have a hunch that you have imposter syndrome, but recognizing it isn’t always so obvious. Different people react to the syndrome in different ways, and if you want to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome, you need to know if you have it in the first place.

Here are some signs you suffer from imposter syndrome: 

  • You have a strong fear of failing yourself or your team
  • You are experiencing overwork or burnout
  • You take small mistakes you make really hard
  • You contribute “luck” (and not your work) to your success
  • You find it difficult to accept praise
  • You are always apologizing for yourself
  • You hold yourself to impossibly high standards
  • You are a perfectionist
  • You’re convinced you’re not enough
  • People say you don’t seem confident
  • You turn down opportunities for growth 
  • You are isolating yourself

So do you have imposter syndrome? If so, what should you do about it? Let’s discuss some ways to overcome imposter syndrome once and for all.  

11 tips for how to overcome imposter syndrome

Here are my top tips for how to overcome imposter syndrome:

1. Know you’re not alone

My first tip for how to overcome imposter syndrome is to recognize that you are not alone in your feelings. In fact, up to 82% of people have felt imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. 

Let that sink in. That is almost everyone! 

Some people you see as wildly successful have felt like (and may still feel like) imposters. 

If they can work through it and learn ways to overcome imposter syndrome, so can you.

I had imposter syndrome myself when writing my first book. I wondered who I was to try to spot industry knowledge. Was I being a know-it-all? Was my information even helpful to people? Was it something everyone already knew? Would anyone even read my book if I wrote it?

But guess what? The Book On High Ticket Sales is now a best-seller that brings me thousands of dollars in passive income on a regular basis. 

You can learn how to become a bestseller, too.

We are all imposters in our own way, but you know what they say: “Fake it ‘til you make it!”

2. Focus on facts

Imposter syndrome can make you feel like you are terrible at your job. These feelings usually stem from a place of fear – so it’s your job to separate fear from facts. 

The next time you feel like an imposter, think about the facts and not just the story you are telling yourself.

3. Share how you feel

Remember, most people have felt like an imposter at some point, and one of the best ways to overcome imposter syndrome is to share how you are feeling. Other people will be able to relate, or at least help you shoulder the burden.

Usually, having an outside perspective of the situation and your skills can help you to see the facts more clearly. It will also help to reduce the feeling of isolation that imposter syndrome can bring. 

Instead of venting to your peers, try talking to someone outside your work sphere altogether to get an unbiased opinion. 

4. Celebrate your successes

If you feel like a fraud, you probably struggle with accepting praise. But embracing praise is one of my tips for how to overcome imposter syndrome. 

If someone congratulates you, let yourself feel it!

If you have a success, no matter how small, celebrate it!

You deserve to feel more positively about yourself and your work. 

5. Don’t expect perfection

Perfectionism is the enemy of confidence. If you want to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome, embrace your mistakes. If we don’t make mistakes, we can’t learn from them, and if you try to be perfect all the time, you will either burn out or stop yourself from doing the work in the first place!

If I tried to write the first draft of my manuscript perfectly, I would never have learned how to become an author

Brainstorm your ideas, let them be messy, and move forward anyway.

6. Reframe your thought process

The way you speak to yourself is incredibly powerful. If you speak negatively to yourself, it’s going to bring you down. 

Try to monitor your internal voice and reframe your thoughts to optimistic ones whenever you catch yourself sliding into self-doubt. 

7. Say “yes” to more opportunities

One of the signs of imposter syndrome is avoiding opportunities. And you can’t learn how to overcome imposter syndrome without saying “yes” at least a few times. 

If you’re presented with a new opportunity, determine if you want to turn it down because you seriously don’t have the time for it, or because you feel you aren’t worthy of it. If it’s the latter, it’s your imposter syndrome talking.

8. Embrace your feelings

It takes a long time to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome. You can’t expect it to happen overnight. And in the meantime, it’s important to be able to live with it. 

You just need to find a way to stop your imposter syndrome from holding you back.

Start by acknowledging your feelings. Even if they are untrue or unrealistic, you still feel them, and your feelings are valid. Don’t ignore your emotions. Acknowledge how they make you feel, and then focus on reality and let your feelings go if they don’t suit you. 

9. Look for a mentor

One great way to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome is to find a mentor. They can make you feel more confident in your field and help teach you skills for success. 

Find someone you respect highly in your field and learn from them. You can even share your feelings of self-doubt with them if you feel comfortable doing so. They may have their own tips for overcoming those feelings. 

10. Learn from your peers

Stop comparing yourself with your peers and instead look at them from a place of curiosity. What can you learn from them? 

What can they learn from you?

We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Give yourself, and your peers, the opportunity to help each other grow. 

11. Anticipate imposter spirals

As you learn to manage your imposter syndrome, you will start to notice triggers and signs that your mental state is slipping. If certain situations are triggering for you, try to take steps to avoid them or to get yourself into a positive mindset ahead of time. 

You can keep a list of your accomplishments or some positive facts to use as a pep talk before you fall victim to your imposter spiral. 

Break free from imposter syndrome

Now you have all the tools you need to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome. But don’t be afraid to refer back to this list frequently to give yourself gentle reminders. After all, reframing your thought processes is no easy feat. 

But you CAN do it. 

And, if you’re a writer like me, I’m happy to help you through your imposter syndrome! At, we help hundreds of authors like you to overcome their self-doubt and create smashing successes from their books. 

If you would like help getting in the writing mindset, editing your book, or promoting your book in its best light, our team can help. Reach out for a free, no-obligation strategy call today. We can help you get where you need to go. 

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