A List of Funny Book Memes for Authors to Use

Marketing • Jul 24, 2023 • 10 mins
Posted by Bella Rose Pope

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If there’s one thing users of the internet everywhere can relate to, it’s memes. When it comes to the author and book-loving community, funny book memes are even more useful for connecting writers and readers. They’re easy to find, often easier to create than a book trailer or other marketing content, highly shareable and are instantly recognizable on virtually every social channel (especially #BookTok).

Not only can you convey your novel’s mood and tone through funny book memes, but you also get to share your personality as an author. If you take your creativity up a notch and create funny book memes based on your own cast and plot, it’s also a strong way to generate interest in your story and characters. That is if you know how to use them effectively.

We’re about to make it much more fun to document your author journey and market your book. And yes, we’re including memes (scroll to the end if you’re only here for those).

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What is a funny book meme?

Funny Book Meme About New Book Ideas

A funny book meme is any meme (images, gif) created with a book, its characters, or even an author as the main subject. It could also be more loosely around the theme of reading, such as the feeling we all feel when a beloved character dies or does something we don’t agree with, an unexpected love interest is introduced, or a juicy plot twist. All book lovers have been there.

And a funny book meme is usually an inside joke about that thing or moment that makes us laugh.

How funny book memes can help authors market books

Funny Book Memes - Frozen Fangirl Moment

Making money self-publishing a book via a successful launch, book reviews, and mastering Amazon ads and Facebook ads for your books is already a huge feat. Thinking about creating an author website and continually growing your official author social media channels may feel like a time-consuming afterthought.

But they aren’t. In fact, they are very important to your continued success.

And funny book memes are just one way to make content creation faster and easier.

You may not want to post only memes on your accounts, but having a healthy mix of them can help you reach a wider audience due to their natural shareability and virality. And it’s no secret that the millions of people on #BookTok are a passionate bunch. Book memes are an instant scroll-stopping attention-getter. Funny book memes are worth a follow.

Funny Book Meme About Becoming A Better Writer Over Time

Aside from capturing the attention of thousands of potential readers, memes are also great for authors because:

  • They instantly signal to readers and book lovers that you are one of them, you understand them
  • They’re a more acceptable form of book marketing—they don’t look like book promotion, but they are
  • They’re a great way to show people your sense of humor as an author and a person
  • They increase engagement, which helps social media apps share more of your posts with other users (aka: new potential readers)
  • You can use them across many mediums: all social media platforms, email, blog posts, etc.
  • They’re quick and easy to find and make, which means you’re more likely to create them
  • Inspiration is everywhere
  • Meme culture is wide and transcends cultures, languages, and borders – expanding your reach!

Ultimately, funny book memes are just one way an author can market themselves online, but it’s not the only way. Remember that a variety of book advertising tactics will be useful for long-term, consistent platform growth.

45 types of funny book memes to create as an author

Funny Book Meme With Grumpy Cat Reading

There are 100’s – maybe 1000’s – of different types of memes you could create as an author, but these are just five ideas that will help get the creative juices flowing.

1. Funny book memes about reading books in general:

Attracting readers as a whole will help you as an author. While not everyone who relates to reading memes will connect with your books and the genre you write in, it can still help you attract the audience who will.

These types of book memes showcase the lifestyle of avid readers and are great for getting engagement through shares, comments, and likes. That engagement can help boost your own book-specific content.

Funny Book Memes About Plot Twists - Big Bang Theory

Here are some prompts to help you start:

  • How readers feel about characters they love
  • How readers feel after finishing a long book
  • How readers feel about specific types of characters
  • The act of searching for the perfect book
  • Memes about shows, movies, or other books within your genre (example below)
  • The realities of a “book hangover”
  • Expressions of what certain relationship tropes or common plot updates feel like

There is truly an endless amount of fodder for creating memes about the life of an avid reader.

2. Funny book memes about writing books:

Screenshot 2023 07 24 At 14.43.44 1024X1009.Png 1

This is a bit more niche. But here’s one truth: fellow writers are readers (perhaps some of the best)!

By targeting the writing community, you’re not only connecting with other current or authors-to-be, but you’re reaching a reader base through a different medium they’re already consuming: writing content.

Funny Book Meme About Writing A Book

These memes will be really similar to the ones about reading listed above; you’ll just update all of the text and content to be about writing, publishing a book, and being an author instead.

3. Funny book memes about your book:

Funny Book Memes - That Moment Of Suspense

With these types of book memes (they don’t necessarily have to be funny), you’ll be hand-crafting the images or using already-famous still frames to make them fit your book. These will take a bit more creativity to showcase what your book is about, but are still pretty simple.

Remember that these book memes will likely have less engagement because they’re meant to stir interest in a book that others may not know about yet. You likely won’t get as much initial traction on these until you have a larger fan base that knows your books well, but using current trends and adapting them to your own book or series can help.

Funny Book Writing Meme About Writer'S Block

Here’s what you can use from your book to create a meme:

  • Character dynamics: plenty of memes are out there featuring people set up in funny situations. One of the most popular is the example I used in the last picture – the one with two women and a man, in which the man looks back at a woman as she walks by and his (assumed) girlfriend watches him with disgust. There are countless ways you can use this as an author, just by adding text over each various part.
  • Plot conflict: Similarly, you can use book memes to describe the plot types that exist in your story. The Spiderman meme below with different versions of him pointing at one another is great to showcase a mystery plot or similar scenarios.
  • Settings: When creating memes to market your book setting, the first that comes to mind is the “this is fine” meme with a cartoon character sitting in a room that’s on fire. This could describe the literal setting of hell, or something that feels like it.
  • Lore / Mythology: If your world is based on real mythology, you can even look up memes depicting instances of this and reshare to your account.
Funny Book Memes And Writing Memes - Difference Between Two, Too, To

The key with marketing yourself as an author with funny book memes is to work on the captions and make it clear—especially if they’re recycled memes—how it applies to your story or world. You can easily bulk create these and schedule them with a social media management app.

4. Funny book memes about the editing and production process:

Much to the dismay of authors everywhere, writing the first rough draft is still very much the beginning of the writing and publishing process. There’s still editing – ooooh so much editing – to be done.

Funny Book Memes About Editing Your Manuscript

Then there’s the formatting, book cover design, Amazon account setup, ISBN numbers to get, book launch planning and so much more.

Why not share this part of the process with your followers? It’s a creative (and funny) way to document the author’s journey and continue to build excitement about your upcoming launch.

Funny Book Meme About Working With A Professional Editor

5. Funny book memes about self-publishing:

Readers and fans love following the writing and publishing journey. Even more so if you’re an author who’s weighed the traditional publishing vs self-publishing pros and cons and opted for the latter. People love supporting indie creatives and small businesses they discover online!

Funny Book Meme For Self-Published Authors

So whether you’re sharing your experience via an email list or on BookTok (or both!), having some, even during difficult times, can help you connect with more readers.

Funny Book Meme About Finally Publishing Your Book

Examples of funny book memes you can replicate & use on your platform

If you’re a visual learner (or just someone that loves a good laugh), then examples of some of the best funny book memes is what you need. You can even save these to your computer and alter to fit your book and world.

TIP: If you need to replace the text on some of these because it doesn’t work, you can find the original meme images simply by Googling the meme’s description. For the first example below, that would mean typing in “this is fine meme” to the Google search bar and downloading the plain image.

If you choose to grow your author account with the first type of funny book meme – ones about reading – focus on using pictures and themes that align with your genre. General reading memes still work to draw in avid readers, but genre-specific ones will increase the chances that the new followers you get stick around – because you know they are already interested in the types of books you write.

For when the favorite characters keep dying

We’ve all been there. And we love to hate it.

Reader Book Meme Example Favorite Characters Keep Dying

Somehow, it feels like a new offense every. single. time.

Reader Book Meme Example Favorite Character Dies

For those moments when you can’t help daydreaming about your book boyfriend

Unfortunately, the boyfriend that exists only in books – not the one who likes reading books too.

Reader Book Meme Example Book Boyfriend

For avid readers who’ve been told they read too much

Firstly, there’s no such thing. Secondly….see the first thing.

Reader Book Meme Example Being Your Own Librarian

For fiction lovers returning to reality after reading a great book

That plot just pulls you right in, doesn’t it?

Reader Book Meme Example Returning To Reality After Reading A Book

For a bit of emotional support when you need it

This is the real betrayal.

Reader Book Meme Example When A Book Ending Sucks

For anyone who’s favorite sport is “reading”

Not all avid readers are introverts, but all introverted readers will love this funny book meme.

Reader Book Meme Example Stay Inside And Read

And then there’s this one, that speaks to introverts and extroverts alike…

Reader Book Meme Example Just Trying To Read

For lovers of a specific genre

This type of funny book meme is meant to unite people around the classic characters, plot points, tropes, mythical creatures, and other things that normally appear in a specific genre.

Funny Book Meme For Fantasy Authors

It’s less about the lifestyle of reading and more to find a fanbase of readers of the genre you write in.

Book Memes For Readers Author Account Example

For when the reality of being an author hits

Because we know writers read books, funny book memes about the process of writing are not only relevant to you as the author, but also to other writer-readers you can connect with. These are some examples of how to create memes about writing.

Writer Book Meme Example Expectations Vs Reality

For the every author who has found their inner evil genius

We get it.

Writer Book Meme Example Plot Twists

For remembering your first draft

You’ll only get it once you’ve completed that first rough draft and become one of the wise.

Writer Book Meme Example Editing Your First Draft

For writer’s block

Enough said.

Writer Book Meme Example Your Writer Brain

For the emotional journey of editing

Your book is your baby. Perfect in its imperfections. Your brain logically understands the need for copy editing and line editing, but your heart can’t bear the idea of parting with the word you’ve written.

Writer Book Meme Example Revising Your Story

For defining the relationship with your editor

We know the importance of hiring a book editor, but that doesn’t mean we have to like it.

Writer Book Meme Example Editors Vs The Author Edited

For funny book memes about your own book

Funny Book Memes - Hobbit Going On An Adventure

If you want to make memes specifically for your own book, here are some examples from authors who have done it well. These are memes of very popular books (often referencing other popular books, movies, and series) so you can get an idea of how to create your own from your books. In these cases, people are using TV or movie stills to create the tone and mood they’re aiming for.

Fans can also create funny book memes about your work. This is awesome! It’s something that you can share to your profile and use as a way of engaging your fan base. Just remember that it’s good online etiquette to then give them credit by tagging their profile in the caption or naming them appropriately.

For the Hating Game

This is about as to the point as it gets.

Author Book Meme Example The Hating Game

But this one creates a bit more intrigue and interest in the storyline…

Author Book Meme Example The Hating Game 2 1

For a Court of Thorns and Roses

Sharing a bit of dialogue from your characters is the perfect way to generate a funny book meme people will connect with – even if they’ve never picked up your book.

Author Book Meme Example A Court Of Thorns And Roses

Make it look like a Tweet (as above) or a text message. Or, use a screenshot from a popular show to get across the concept or idea of your book.

Author Book Meme Example A Court Of Thorns And Roses 2

For an Ember in the Ashes

Another famous funny meme, adapted to a specific book and character.

Author Book Meme Example An Ember In The Ashes

See how easy it is to have your readers get invested in your characters before reading your book?

Author Book Meme Example An Ember In The Ashes 2

For the Plated Prisoner series

The last (but certainly not least) funny book meme for today:

Author Book Meme Example Plated Prisoner Series

The best funny book memes can take a little while to think up, but when you find or make the right one to convey your world and characters, share it!

Make sure to update the caption so people know it’s from your book and add a bit more context that will really hook your future readers.

Once again, remember this is just one way to market your book, if you need more ways to increase your book sales, we can help!

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