Evernight Publishing Review – Should You Submit?

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Posted by Christopher Ortiz

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The world changed for good in 2011, with a seismic shift occurring that altered the course of human history forever.

This was of course the release of 50 Shades of Grey.

The work by E L James was something of a viral success and went on to be an international bestseller as well as converted into a trilogy of movies. Aside from the success of the work itself, it spoke of a growing culture shift that was both more progressive and more open in discussing sex, with readers more at ease with openly reading works of erotic fiction.

Prior to this, it felt like they were kept in secret, with titles filled with innuendo and hidden away due to a degree of shame attached to the work. Not so anymore, and it’s no coincidence that there has been an explosion of publishing houses and promotional companies that focus solely on this type of material, in order to cater to a growing market. This combined with the uptake of e-books and kindle, opened the door for companies like Evernight Publishing.

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Evernight describes itself as releasing or printing titles that fall under the category of ‘smart and sexy romance’.

In this Evernight Publishing review we’ll take a look at who they are, the types of books they feature, and whether or not they are worth consideration for any aspiring writers looking to get their book in front of as many readers as possible.

A Note To Our Readers:

We want you to make informed decisions when it comes to how and where to invest your money. That’s why our mission is to help educate authors on the various self-publishing companies and services that are on the market today.

Our reviews are meant to be unbiased, 3rd party reviews, but we will speak up if there is a scam or a clearly better option.

Who are Evernight Publishing & What do they Publish?

Since 2010 Evernight has been a popular indie publisher working within the romance and erotica genres. Since their inception they have amassed a decent following on social media with over 30,000 followers across Instagram, Twitter & Facebook. Their website also has a login section allowing users to check out items faster, track orders and save items to their wish list although it’s unclear how many active users they have at present.

Their website also has a blog which seems to mostly contain updates of new releases as well as interviews or features from certain authors. It’s not clear if writers are able to pay for a promotion in this manner but that is fairly common for sites like this so it may well be an option.

They are a digital-first publisher, with a focus on e-books and downloads with all books available to purchase for a maximum of $5.

Below is a selection of titles available on their website that should provide some further insight into the type of releases a reader can expect from Evernight.

Notable Evernight Publishing Titles

Wicked Endeavours – C Tyler

Their Own Terms – Chelle de Notte

Immortal Hearts – Faedra Rose

Trust Me I’m Lying – James Cox

Destined Dragon – Laura M Baird

Beautiful Fire – Cooper McKenzie

The Partner Dilemma – Jade Marshall

Love by Design – Ava Olsen

Chopped – Peri Elizabeth Scott

Tweed Me – L M Kennedy

Can Authors Submit to Evernight Publishing?

Yes, and in fact, Evernight has a submissions page on their website with a subheader of ‘Call for Submission. Writers do not have to pay a fee to have their book published with Evernight. Upon final acceptance, the book will be edited, assigned an ISBN, and one of their cover artists will create an eye-catching cover.  It will be available for sale through their site and also sold at many popular third-party distributors. Books that meet word count and sales requirements, either alone or in an anthology, will also be considered for POD publication for book signings and events.

Authors earn 45% gross royalties from sales of the website and 45% net royalties from their distributors. Anthology authors earn 50% gross royalties from sales of their website and 50% net royalties from their distributors. They are currently accepting completed manuscripts of 10,000 up to 100,000 words in all sub-genres of romance and erotic romance. They request that book submissions should have well-developed plots, strong conflicts, memorable characters, sharp dialogue and a powerful romance.

It’s refreshing to see the exact percentage splits and numbers laid bare for the writers to be aware of, something that is unfortunately far too rare in the publishing world. Writers looking to make a submission should send a query letter via email containing a short synopsis and the complete manuscript. Evernight aims to have a response time of 12 weeks maximum for all submissions.

What are some alternatives to Evernight Publishing?

Given the specificity of the work Evernight publish, a writer considering them will likely only consider similar publishers rather than ones who are genre agnostic. There are however multiple companies focusing on this genre, but Evernight fit the bill as well as anyone. 

Another option is for a writer to self-publish. This would maintain their creative control and overall autonomy over the project as well as allow them to work to their own schedule. The amount of resources and tools available to readers these days to assist them with this is enormous and given the genre of work, it would be fairly easy to market and know which readers to target. 

Evernight Publishing Review – Final Verdict

It’s unquestionable that the world is far better off when society is free and open in discussing matters of sexuality. This too carries over into the world of fiction that allows people to explore this side of themselves in the privacy of a book. It can also be educational or assist people in navigating their own sexuality. Evernight seems to strike the right tone, by publishing work that entertains its readers and being upfront about who they are.

However, the uncertainty around their readership numbers and active users, combined with the sheer volume of works on their site that one would be competing against make a submission to them perhaps not the best course of action. 

To self-publish and to market the book solo would potentially be a great avenue to go down and would allow the writer to pitch the tone and feel of the book at exactly their desired level, as opposed to having it compared to another title it sits alongside that can cloud the judgement of the work itself. 

Evernight provides a service that may well be beneficial to some authors, but on face value by no means every author. 

2.5 Stars

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