eReader News Review Today – What is it?

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Posted by Christopher Ortiz

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The uptake and advent of e readers in recent times has undoubtedly been a net positive for both authors and readers. 

Authors have a much easier to path to getting their work published and much higher chance of having their work reach as many readers as possible. 

Readers have more choice and freedom than ever when it comes to the books they read, and the e book is both drastically cheaper and easier to transport than books of the past.

With this upside however, does not necessarily come a downside, but certainly something that can create confusion or uncertainty. Given the sheer volume of books that now gets published as an e book, it can be much more difficult to ascertain which books are worth a readers time. Beyond reading conventional reviews from critics, how can readers decide for themselves which titles are going to be of interest to them and worth their time. How can they sift through the masses upon masses of books in order to find the one that is going to resonate most and become a favourite.

This is the question that Ereader News Today set out to solve. In this review we will take a closer look at exactly what it is that they do, their backstory and whether or not readers and writers across the globe would benefit from using their service.

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What is Ereader News Today?

Ereader News Today was founded in 2010 and ever since has strived to deliver highly rated free and bargain ebook deals to avid readers. By acting as a middle man, Ereader News Today helps authors get their work in front of as many readers as possible, whilst introducing their community of readers to new authors and titles that they otherwise may not have had the chance to read. 

Many of these ebooks are from New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and every single day their subscribers receive an email with bespoke book selections based on each subscribers personal reading tastes and preferences. 

Ereader News Today is the longest running daily ebook newsletter in the industry and as a result of this have over time forged deep and long lasting relationships with thousands of authors. They also strive to offer their subscribers the largest variety and best deals possible from both major publishers as well as the smaller, indie or lesser known publishing houses, ensuring all bases are covered. All of this service, it is worth pointing out, is completely free, and from the readers perspective, merely requires a form fill out and subscription sign up. The only time subscribers will pay anything is if they decide to purchase one of the books which are frequently valued at less than a dollar.

In terms of numbers, Ereader News Today has around 500,000 Facebook followers as well as nearly 200,000 email subscribers although it is not clear what percentage of these two numbers are mutually exclusive from one another and what percentage overlap.

Author Submissions

Authors wishing to have their work featured on the Ereader News Today newsletter simply have to make sure they fit the criteria such as being available on Amazon, it being a relevant price and a number of other factors and then make their submission. Ereader News Today do state however they due to the large number of submissions they receive, they are unable to accept or guarantee acceptance to every submission. 

Any submissions will be responded to within 7 days however, so the turnaround time is minimal which helps alleviate the uncertainty surrounding acceptance. Of course, the business model requires a fee to be paid and depending on both the genre of the book as well as the price the authors wishes to sell it for, prices vary. However, all of the options fall between $45 and $120 which is unquestionably cheap compared to some other sites, especially as their is no submission fee for the writer to pay in and of itself making it a fairly low risk process to engage in. 

Authors also have a second option which is to submit their work for the ‘book of the day’. This will be the top selection to their community of readers, as well as a designated post on the website and bio of the author to create a more personal touch and hopefully develop a lasting interest and bond between the readers and the writer. 

The price for this again varies between $60 and $150 depending on specifics. It is worth stating however that submissions for book of the day are on hold as their schedule is filled until the second quarter or 2023, likely to be around mid March. 

What Books are Featured on Ereader News Today?

As per the ‘Recent Deals tab on their website, below is a list of titles to provide some more insight into the types of work promoted. 

Treachery and Redemption – Various

Antunites Unite – Terry Birdgenaw

Two Hearts Evasion – Tamara Ferguson

Missing Mona – Joe Klingler

Loving You – Leanna Morgan

Wolf Runaway – Serena Meadows

The Easter Sunday Slaughter – Imogen Plimp

Flash Point – Tracey Devlyn

Coppertown – C L Howland

Cursed Vampire – Brogan Thomas

As evidenced by the above list the type of work is broad, indeed the drop down menu allowing readers to filter books by genre, presents them with no fewer than 20 genres, showcasing how versatile the books are.

What are some Alternatives to Ereader News Today?

From the readers perspective, it is not so much than an alternative would be required, more likely just an addition. Given the free nature of the service there is very little to lose for a reader who may will be introduced to a number of new books they would otherwise not find. Of course Ereader News Today are not the only company providing such a service, so it is fairly common practice for readers to subscribe to multiple types of these lists to make sure all bases are covered. 

From the writer’s perspective, alternatives would be to use similar promotional company, if they wanted such a service but felt this offering didn’t align with their work, perhaps based on price or genre. 

Or they may decide to submit their work to a traditional publisher, whereby if accepted, all or this type of work such as promotion and marketing etc would be handled by their in house team.

Ereader News Today Review – Final Thoughts

In short then it is clear that there is a divide between reader and writer when it comes to Ereader News Today. The reader is getting a great deal with a free personalised newsletter introducing them to new books; it is a no brainer.

Writers however, have more of a decision to make. They will need to ascertain if their book fits in with the vibe of the site, if the price point matches and if they are happy paying a fee for this promotion with no certainty that this will turn a profit.

Ultimately, they may feel that going it alone and utilising free channels, such as social media or blog posts may be worth trying first to see how far reaching their book is before enlisting outside help.

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