Chirp Audiobooks Review: Is It Worth It?

Reviews • Oct 12, 2022 • 6 mins
Posted by Sarah Rexford

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Listening to a great audiobook is a fantastic way to fill time on the way to work, as you head to your next meeting, or on your next road trip. Writers are readers, but sometimes we don’t have enough time in the day to read all the books we hope to. That’s where audiobooks can help, and where our Chirp Audiobooks review comes in.

Whether you’ve used audiobooks for years and simply want to try a new platform, or you have yet to enter the audiobook space, this Chirp Audiobooks review can help you make your next choice. Let’s dive into it! 

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What is Chirp Audiobooks?

Chirp is an audiobook service that provides you with amazing limited-time deals on select digital audiobooks and great everyday pricing on everything else. All the books you purchase are yours to own.

If that isn’t good enough news, Chirp doesn’t even have a monthly subscription fee or require you to meet a minimum purchase amount.

How is this possible? According to Chirp, publishers are always on the hunt for new, improved, and unique ways to help readers find out about their books. Similarly, authors are often looking for ways to build their platforms and expand their reach. 

As a solution to this need, by using temporarily discounted books, Chirp offers both publishers and authors the potential to enlarge their audience by reaching people who may not otherwise hear of them. A temporary discount is a very low-risk move, with a high potential for return.

Because of this, Chirp is a great resource for growing your audience, fan base, or readership as a new author. 

The individuals who started BookBub also founded Chirp, after you finish reading this Chirp Audiobooks review, pop on over and look into BookBub if you don’t already know about them!

BookBub is used by millions around the world, and Chirp is a newer launch within this same general field. If you reside in the United States or Canada, this audiobook platform is available to you. 

Another fact to know about Chirp is that when you purchase an audiobook you automatically add it to your digital library. Chirp allows you to use their free iOS or Android app and even includes the possibility of listening offline. 

If you’re a busy individual who never wants to stop learning, you’ll be happy to find out that you can switch between your devices and continue listening to your favorite audiobook as you transition from the gym to your car to the kitchen. 

Chirp Audiobooks Pricing

No Chirp Audiobooks review would be complete without talking about costs. And the best thing is, Chirp is FREE!

This allows you to purchase the newest, most trending audiobook without being bound by a specific subscription. Chirp offers great discounts, but on top of their discounts, they regularly work with publishers and authors to ensure everyday pricing on other audiobooks.

If you can only listen to a few audiobooks one month, you don’t need to feel like you wasted your subscription fee – because you didn’t! There is no subscription and you get to choose which purchases you make, and when. 

Pros of Chirp Audiobooks

One of the many pros of Chirp is their Deals page, where they list deals and provide sorting options. If you’re worried you may miss a deal, you can simply filter to Expiring Soon and make sure you collect all the books you want before the deal expires. 

Additionally, if you want to make a purchase but don’t know if you can make it the very day you want to, Chirp offers a countdown expiration date. They tell you what the original price is, what the deal is, and exactly how many days until the deal is gone. You can shop – stress free – for the best deals without worrying about missing it by a day.

Chirp also categorizes their books into genres as well as subgenres. If you don’t know exactly what book you want to purchase, but you do know what genre you’d like to read, simply browse the category that best coincides with the topic you’re interested in. 

Cons of Chirp Audiobooks

Unfortunately, Chirp is only available in the US and Canada.

Another con is that in order to make a purchase, you must first access the website and purchase your book. But to listen to it on the go, you then need to have the app and find your recent purchase in your digital library. In other words, you can only listen in the app; you cannot buy new books in the app.

One more con is the fact that there are no special deals with Chirp, other than discounts. You have the choice of purchasing a book at full price or buying a book at a discount, but there will be no “buy-one-get-one-free” deals.

Other Chirp Audiobooks Reviews

Let’s take a look at some more Chirp Audiobooks reviews so you can get an idea of how customers are responding to the app. First, let’s start with some positive Chirp Audiobooks reviews:

5 Star Chirp Audiobooks Review
Positive Chirp Audiobooks Reviews

As you can see from these Chirp Audiobooks reviews, there are a lot of good things to be said about the app. In fact, most reviews of the app are pretty glowing – but not all of them are.

Here are some less-than-pleased Chirp Audiobooks reviews:

Bad Chirp Audiobooks Review
2 Star Chirp Audiobooks Review

As you can see from these Chirp Audiobook reviews, not everyone is happy with their experience. But these reviews are few and far between. You’ll just have to try the app out for yourself and see what you think!

Information for Authors (rather than Listeners and Readers)

If you’re an author reading this Chirp Audiobooks review, and you want to run a Chirp audiobook deal, you need to sign up for a BookBub partners account. If you’re new to Chirp and BookBub, you can create an account here.

If you already have a BookBub partners account? Sign in to submit a Chirp Audiobook Deal!

Alternatives to Chirp Audiobooks

Libby, Audible, Google Audiobooks, Blinkist, and Everand are just a few of the choices you can select as alternatives to Chirp. Make sure you look into the pros and cons of these before committing to any singular platform. 

  • Related: Looking for where to publish and distribute your own audiobook? Check out this review on Findaway Voices.

Chirp Audiobooks Review: Final Rating

After all is said and done in our Chirp Audiobooks review, we would give the company a rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

Chirp offers a great list of books at prices that are far more affordable than Audible, but you are still buying instead of renting like you would on Libby or Everand. There are certainly pros and cons to the app, but it is overall a great place to find your next audiobook.

And, if you are an author learning how to create your own audiobook and market it on Chirp, the team at can help! We’ve assisted hundreds of authors in creating the books of their dreams in print, eBook and audio format – and your book could be next.

Just book a free strategy call today to get started.

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