

What is a Biography? Definition, Elements, and More

Have you found yourself browsing the biography section of your favorite library or bookstore and wondered what is a biography book?  Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Plenty of people wonder "What is a biography vs autobiography?" or "What is a biography vs memoir?" And today we are here to set the record straight. In this brief guide...

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What is a Beta Reader? How to Hire One and 10 Questions to Ask

As an author, knowing what your reader wants is a challenge that most writers face. Is my story believable? Are my characters likable? Does the pacing work? Do my plot points work? We face so many questions, but the truth is, there's only one way to know what they think. We ask. And we ask beta readers!What is a beta reader? That's precisely what...

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What Is Line Editing? 9 Easy Tips to Do It Well

You’ve done it! You’ve completed a draft of your manuscript and are well on your way to becoming an author. However, you’re savvy enough to know that the first draft is simply the start. You’ll need to do some editing to strengthen your story.  That's where line editing comes in. Whether your goal is to self-publish or traditionally...

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What is an Anthology? Definition, Examples, & More

What is an anthology? It’s one of those literary terms that sounds sophisticated, but its definition is simple. An anthology is a collection of written works gathered into a single publication.  It comes from the Greek words for “a collection of flowers”— how lovely is that? — because that’s how the Greeks envisioned a compilation of...

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Tips for Using an AI Editor for Your Book

Wherever you fall on the writers-using-AI spectrum, most creatives will agree that artificial intelligence has created a seismic shift in how authors write, edit, print, distribute, and market their books. AI has weaved its way into the world of book publishing and continues to spark interesting debates on when, if, and how it should be...

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What is Proofreading? A Guide to Better Edits

So what is proofreading, exactly? Depending on who you ask, the meaning can change. Is it editing, nonediting, or something in between? Let's look at what proofreading is and how you can use it to ensure that you have the best book possible. This guide answers, "What is proofreading?" and these other questions:...

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