The Top 41 Christian Publishers For Your Faith-Based Book (2024 Update)

Reviews, Publishing, Religion & Spirituality • Feb 09, 2024 • 19 mins
Posted by P.J McNulty

Are you trying to find the right Christian publishers for your faith-based book? It’s impossible to separate Christianity from book publishing. From the original Gutenberg Bible, to the expression “the good book”, the two go hand in hand.

In today’s market, Christian publishing is a true success story. Typically, faith-based books tend to outperform the publishing market as a whole, showing above-average growth compared to other genres. 

So, to help you learn how to publish a book with a Christian publisher, we’ve gathered essential information about 41 of the best Christian publishers in business today.

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1. Abingdon Press

The first Christian publishers on our list are Abingdon Press. Abingdon Press has been in operation for over two centuries. The company aims to reach across denominational divides to inspire and provoke thought in Christians from many different backgrounds.

Although the company is a division of The United Methodist Publishing House, authors don’t need to necessarily be Methodists themselves. 

If you are interested in publishing your book with Abingdon Press, it is recommended to submit a summary of the book’s topic and purpose, a full outline of its contents, some information on the intended audience, details of your existing platform as an author, thoughts on how you intend to market the book, and two samples chapters (including the book’s opening chapter). 

2. B and H Publishing

B and H Publishing are Christian publishers with an admirably diverse author base. Some of their current authors include Priscilla Shirer, Russell Moore, and Jackie Hill Perry. The company is an imprint of LifeWay Christian Resources and aims to share books that help readers to cultivate a stronger faith and a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. 

At this time, indie authors are unable to submit their work to B and H Publishing unless they are represented by an agent. Occasionally, publishers such as B and H will make an exception to this rule if you are vouched for by one of their existing authors, so this might be something worth exploring if your heart is set on B and H as your Christian publishers. 

3. Baker Books

Baker Books is one imprint of the Baker Publishing Group. These Christian publishers intend to reach lay Christians through books such as Praying Women by Sheila Walsh, and also provide resources to pastors and church leaders. 

At this time the Baker Books imprint is not able to accept unsolicited manuscripts from authors. However, if you have a literary agent, Baker Books is willing to liaise with them.

These Christian publishers are also willing to connect with authors face-to-face at writers’ conferences to consider their books after forming an initial relationship. Baker Books also suggests writers submit their work to Christian Book Proposals, a service that acts as a middleman between aspiring authors and Christian publishers. 

4. Baylor University Press

Baylor University Press has a prestigious track record as the publishing arm of Baylor University – dating back to 1897. Unsurprisingly, the focus for Baylor University Press is on academic faith-based books, either solely focused on religion or exploring the intersection between religion and other academic disciplines. 

It might be surprising to learn that such prestigious Christian publishers are willing to accept submissions, although the criteria is a lot stricter than at some other Christian publishers. Authors are encouraged to reach out to Baylor University Press before submitting a proposal to form an initial relationship.

5. Beaming Books 

Beaming Books are Christian publishers that aim to serve younger Christians through children’s books. Topics include learning about faith but also about living positively (such as being kind and building self-esteem). 

If you want to submit a book to Beaming Books, check regularly to see if they have any open calls for submissions. At the time of writing, there are no open calls, but this is liable to change. If you have an agent for your work, Beaming Books is always willing to hear from you. 

6. Bethany House

Bethany House has over five decades of experience in publishing bestselling Christian fiction. They are part of the Baker Publishing Group and publish over 75 titles annually. Their repertoire extends beyond Christian fiction, to offer nonfiction books focusing on family and other Christian themes. 

At this time, Bethany House isn’t looking to receive unsolicited manuscripts. Instead, they suggest going through an agent, connecting with them at a writers’ conference, or going through the Christian Book Proposals liaison service. 

7. Chosen

Chosen is the first imprint of the Baker Publishing Group featured on this list that is currently accepting proposals. The stated mission of Chosen is to share well-crafted books based on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

To submit your book to Chosen, take some time to browse their existing books and make sure yours is a good fit for these Christian publishers. After that, you can fill out a proposal form.

Be sure to follow their guidelines and suggestions carefully. Chosen states that they are happy for authors to contact their editorial team with any questions or issues before submitting a proposal. 

8. CKN Christian Publishing

The CKN Christian Publishing company started out firmly in the indie author world, originally providing news and special offers relating to Christian eBooks on the Kindle platform. Today, CKN has evolved to act as Christian publishers of fresh Christian work. 

Thankfully, CKN Christian Publishing is willing to accept unsolicited manuscripts. The company states that they are particularly interested in hearing from authors who have a back catalog and the rights to publish it, but first-time authors are also welcome to submit.

9. Concordia Publishing House

Unlike some of the other Christian publishers in this guide, Concordia Publishing House has a strong denominational focus, as the company is the publishing arm of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. 

At this time, Concordia is not accepting unsolicited manuscripts or book proposals, but they are willing to hear from authors represented by an agent. However, if you want your book to be considered by Concordia, you need to make sure it is aligned with the doctrine and beliefs of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. 

Crosslink Publishing is one of the companies most strongly aligned with the indie author community in this entire guide. They are a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association as well as the Christian Indie Publishing Association. Crosslink Publishing has partnerships with many different distribution channels to help their authors’ books find a wide reach.

Indie authors are welcome to submit their manuscripts to Crosslink Publishing. However, the company only works with North American authors with books between 12,000 and 60,000 words. The company is not interested in picture books, poetry, or autobiographies. 

11. Crossway

Crossway was founded back in 1938 and is a not-for-profit ministry that aims to spread the word of the Gospel through books and tracts. Crossway Books was founded in 1979 under the leadership of one of the sons of the original Crossway founders. 

Authors are welcome to submit either proposals or full manuscripts to Crossway but are strongly encouraged to send an initial email query first. Any books submitted to Crossway should be in line with Evangelical Christianity. Crossway is not interested in receiving fiction, end-time prophecy books, or personal experience stories. 

12. Dove Christian Publishers

Dove Christian Publishers used to go by the name Conquest Publishers. The company has roots going back to 1998 but first started publishing seriously in 2006. Dove’s stated mission is to glorify Jesus Christ while entertaining, edifying, and encouraging readers. 

If you are an author with a social media platform of over 500 people, or you have an email list of the same number, you can submit your work to Dove.

13. Eerdmans Publishing

Eerdmans is a Christian Publishing company founded back in 1911, currently operating out of Michigan. The company is dedicated to offering the widest possible spectrum of faith-based thought, encouraging viewpoints from different denominations and philosophical standpoints. 

If you like the sound of Eerdmans, you’re in luck, as the company is willing to consider submissions from authors. You can submit either a full manuscript or one or two sample chapters for consideration. Eerdmans aims to respond to you within 8 weeks.  

14. Enclave Publishing

Enclave Publishing is an example of the superb diversity that exists within the Christian Publishing industry, as it focuses exclusively on Christian fantasy and science fiction books. Enclave is a fine example of how Christian publishers can cover any genre or readership, not just what most people might imagine a faith-based book to be.

Authors are welcome to submit their work to Enclave Publishing, provided that it falls within the fantasy or science fiction genres and is in line with an evangelical Christian worldview. You can check our list of book genres and subgenres if you aren’t sure if your book fits the bill. Manuscripts need to be between 75,000 and 140,000 words in length. 

15. Faithwords

Faithwords is an imprint of one of the world’s biggest book publishing companies, as it falls under the umbrella of the Hachette Book Group. They have published work from some of the biggest names in all of contemporary Christian thought, including Joel Osteen.

Like all imprints of Hachette, Faithwords is unwilling to consider unsolicited manuscripts. However, authors with an agent are more than welcome to get in touch. 

16. Flyaway Books

Flyaway Books is one of the newer Christian publishers on our list. The imprint is affiliated with Westminster John Knox Press (WJK). Flyaway Books publishes picture books that retell religious stories in new ways and reflect themes of diversity, inclusivity, compassion, social justice, and care for humanity and the environment.

Flyaway Books will consider submissions from authors, but they only publish children’s picture books. You may send them your complete manuscript or book dummy.

17. Gilead Books Publishing

Gilead Books are not-for-profit Christian publishers that have been operating since 2007. They state that their focus is on first-time authors who may have had a hard time getting published elsewhere.

Gilead Books is not a vanity publisher and they only work with a small percentage of the manuscripts they receive.

18. Herald Press

Herald Press are Christian publishers focused on providing books in line with the Anabaptist school of thought, examples of which are Mennonites and Amish denominations. Herald is an arm of MennoMedia which is in turn owned by the Mennonite Church USA.

You can send a book submission to Herald Press, provided it is in line with their guidelines. The company wishes to receive summaries rather than full manuscripts, and authors are requested to refrain from sending manuscripts until specifically requested to.

Proposals should include a one-page book summary, a list of chapters and chapter descriptions, the first full chapter, another full chapter of the author’s choosing, the author’s resume, and a reference to which edition of the Bible has been used in creating the book. 

19. Harvest House Publishers

Harvest House Publishers started back in 1974 with only five titles. The company aims to glorify God by providing high-quality books that are in line with Biblical values. Harvest House offers both fiction and nonfiction, as well as kids’ books. 

At this time, Harvest House is not accepting unsolicited manuscripts from unagented authors. However, like many of the other publishers in this guide, they suggest authors go through the Christian Book Proposals liaison service. 

20. Ignatius Press

Ignatius Press has its roots in the 1970s when Father Joseph Fessio came back to the United States after studying theology in Europe. Today, Ignatius is a publisher of a mix of fiction, nonfiction, and kids’ books that are in line with the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

If you’re interested in having your work published by Ignatius Press, the company is willing to accept unsolicited manuscripts. Authors are required to send in a hard copy as well as an electronic copy of their work. Ignatius is not interested in receiving poetry, prayer books, or academic theses. Due to the large volume of submissions, it may take several months for authors to receive a reply from Ignatius Press. 

21. Inscript Books 

Inscript Books is associated with Dove Christian Publishers and is intended for authors lacking the platform requirements to publish with Dove. Inscript charges authors to publish their books, but insists it isn’t a vanity press due to having strict standards regarding both book quality and compatibility with Christian values.

If you are interested in having your book published through Inscript Publishing, you need to make sure your book is at least 32,000 words long and is suitable for a Christian audience. Both fiction and nonfiction Christian books are welcomed by Inscript. 

22. InterVarsity Press

InterVarsity Press has a long history as Christian publishers, having been in operation for over 70 years. The company is an extension of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and seeks to influence both the university world and contemporary society in general. InterVarsity Press also has a strong commitment to environmental ethics. 

At this time, InterVarsity Press is not interested in receiving unsolicited manuscripts from authors. However, if you have an existing relationship with an InterVarsity Press editor, you may be able to submit your work for consideration.

All books submitted to InterVarsity Press should be in line with the purpose and doctrinal statement of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

23. Kharis Publishing

Kharis Publishing describes itself as an inspirational and faith publisher that accepts queries from first-time and unpublished authors. They are based in the Greater Chicago area and have a large number of titles aligned with Christian theology. 

Kharis Publishing proudly states they accept unsolicited manuscripts and are particularly willing to work with under-represented authors such as women and authors of color. They publish both nonfiction and fiction. Authors should send an initial query, and if the Kharis Publishing team is interested, they will request a full manuscript. 

24. Kregel Publications

Kregel Publications entered the world of Christian publishers back in 1949 with the mission of sharing solidly evangelical works with the world. Today, the company states that it wishes to maximize the impact of quality, life-changing Christian resources that are based on Biblical teachings. 

At this time, Kregel does not accept unsolicited manuscripts directly. If you are represented by a professional literary agent, you are welcome to submit your work to Kregel. 

25. Light & Life Publishing

Light & Life Publishing are Christian publishers that began in 1966. Over time, they have become a major Orthodox Christian publishing company that has published over 200 titles. They also print booklets and pamphlets to spread the word of Father Anthony M. Coniaris.

They don’t state exactly what type of manuscripts they are willing to receive on their website, but if you have an Orthodox Christian book, you should contact them about the possibility of publishing.

26. Lighthouse Christian Publishing

Although Lighthouse Christian Publishing states they are a Christian publishing company, they are also willing to publish books without an explicitly Christian message (as long as they don’t go against Christian values). Lighthouse publishes a wide range of different book types, from fiction to works on health and science. 

At this time, Lighthouse Christian Publishing doesn’t explicitly state whether they are willing to receive and consider manuscripts on an unsolicited basis, but authors can reach out to Lighthouse via their online contact page. 

27. Moody Publishers 

Moody Publishers is one of the more famous names on this list, having been major Christian publishers of Bibles and other Christian works since being founded in 1894. Moody ensures that all profits made from its publishing division are funneled back to The Moody Bible Institute, which aims to help prepare Christians for ministry. 

At this time, Moody is unwilling to consider unsolicited manuscripts. However, if you have a professional literary agent, or you’ve worked with Moody in the past, they may be willing to consider your work.

Moody Publishers are also willing to consider work from associates of a Moody Bible Institute Ministry, or an author who has made personal contact at a writers’ conference. 

28. Orbis Books

Orbis Books has been a leader in religious publishing since 1970. These Christian publishers accept a wide range of books on prayer, spirituality, Catholic life, theology, mission, and current affairs.

Authors may submit their work to Orbis Books with a cover letter, sample chapter, table of contents, and information on your previous experience/work. They take six to eight weeks to reply.

29. Paraclete Press

Paraclete Press are Christian publishers who aim to communicate beauty and truth through the arts to all corners of the world. Their books reflect the full range of Christian thought and denomination, from Protestant to Catholic and Orthodox.

Paraclete Press welcomes submissions from authors. Be sure to follow their guidelines on the type of book proposal they want to receive. At this time, Paraclete have stated they are not interested in receiving proposals related to cookbooks, poetry, current events and politics, sermons, pop psychology, or Bible commentaries.  

30. Paulist Press

Paulist Press has been sharing their work since 1865 and focuses on books that further Catholic thought. The company doesn’t focus solely on Catholic writing – they also aim to encourage interfaith dialogue and the sharing of perspectives that transcend denominational boundaries.

At this time, new authors can submit their work to Paulist Press. Instead of sending a full manuscript, the company wishes to receive a book proposal that is in line with their guidelines.

Specific guidelines exist depending on whether you’re sending an academic, children’s, popular, or professional Christian book. Your submission should include 15-25 sample pages. The company is not interested in receiving fiction, memoirs, or poetry. 

31. Revell

Revell is part of the Baker Publishing Group, like several other Christian publishers on this list. Revell has a simply stated mission – to offer practical books for everyday life. All of Revell’s titles are in line with the company’s core values of relevance, integrity, and excellence. 

Like several, although not all, of the Baker Publishing Group imprints, Revell is not accepting unsolicited manuscripts at this time. Instead, Revell suggests that writers make use of the Christian Book Proposals service.

If you’re interested in Revell, and are represented by an agent, they will be willing to consider your work. You can also form a relationship with them at a writers’ conference. 

32. The Crossroad Publishing Company

The Crossroad Publishing Company traces its roots back to 1798, as it has grown from the heritage of the publishing house of Herder. Today, The Crossroad Publishing Company aims to share books that are in line with Judeo-Christian values with a focus on Catholic thought.

Authors are welcome to submit unsolicited manuscripts and book proposals to The Crossroad Publishing Company. Proposals to these Christian publishers should include either a full manuscript or one which is mostly finished. You should submit your work via email only and expect a response within six to eight weeks on average. 

33. The Upper Room

The Upper Room describes itself as a global ministry that exists to support the spiritual life of Christians. Originally providing a daily devotional, The Upper Room today provides a series of books and articles aligned with its Christian mission.

There is no specific information given at this time on the type of work that The Upper Room is looking to receive. However, authors are welcome to reach out and contact The Upper Room to establish a future publishing relationship. 

34. Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson is one of the most famous names found in this entire guide of Christian publishers, and they have a serious level of prestige when it comes to publishing Christian books. Thomas Nelson has published books by some of the biggest names out there, including Billy Graham and Dave Ramsey. 

At this time, Thomas Nelson is not willing to consider unsolicited submissions. However, the company encourages readers to check out the self-publishing imprints of Zondervan (listed later in our guide).  

35. Twenty-Third Publications

Twenty-Third Publications has been supporting Catholic parish leaders as Christian publishers for over fifty years. They offer books, booklets, seasonal devotionals, and catechetical materials for all ages to spread the teachings of the Catholic faith.

Twenty-Third Publications accepts submissions of Catholic faith-based books. They require a brief overview of your book and your audience, the book’s introduction, a summary of each chapter, and one or two sample chapters.

36. Tyndale House

Tyndale House are Christian publishers that publishes a full range of Christian books, from various Bibles to works of nonfiction and fiction, including the incredibly successful Left Behind series by Jerry Jenkins. Tyndale states that they aim to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world. 

Tyndale House is unwilling to accept unsolicited manuscripts from authors at this time. However, if you are represented by a literary agent, Tyndale is willing to consider your work. You can also have your manuscript considered for publication if it is introduced to the company by one of their existing authors, or by a person of prominence within the industry of Christian publishers. 

37. WaterBrook and Multnomah

WaterBrook and Multnomah are imprints of Penguin Random House, and as such have serious publishing power behind their titles. The companies state they offer books to invite readers into a deeper relationship with God. 

WaterBrook and Multnomah do not accept unsolicited manuscripts from authors at this time. However, they do have a submission form where manuscripts can be attached, which implies there is a chance they might consider such work.

38. Westminster John Knox Press

Westminster John Knox Press has a history of publishing Christian books dating back to 1838. Although the company is part of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, it publishes titles that are outside of the Presbyterian way of thinking. Explicitly Presbyterian books are offered under the Geneva Press imprint.

Authors can submit their work for consideration to Westminster John Knox Press. These Christian publishers are looking for books aligned with mainstream Protestant thought, while Presbyterian books might be considered for Geneva Press.

WJK Press prefers to receive submissions electronically and states that they take between eight to twelve weeks on average to review. They are not interested in receiving fiction, memoirs, or poetry.

39. William Cary Publishing

William Cary Publishing was founded in 1969 (under the name of William Cary Library) with the aim of making the theses at Fuller Seminary’s School of World Mission available to a wider audience. To date, WCP has published over 500 titles and sold over one million mission-related books.

These Christian publishers seek to assist the work of mission executives, field missionaries, and mission-minded churches. They accept proposals for books with a missiological end and are not looking for any poetry, fiction, or political commentaries.

40. Wipf and Stock

Wipf and Stock are Christian publishers who state that they are committed to publishing a diverse range of books – so long as the titles honor imagination, intellect, and heart. Wipf and Stock have been serving Christian readers since 1995. 

If you are interested in submitting your book to Wipf and Stock, you can do so on an unsolicited basis. You should complete a full proposal form, include your resume and a sample chapter, and attach a full manuscript if you have reached that stage of your project.

Wipf and Stock state they will respond to authors within four to eight weeks, which is one of the faster response times found in this guide on Christian publishers.

41. Zondervan

Zondervan is the last company on our list of Christian publishers. They are associated with Thomas Nelson, and are a more accessible place to publish compared to the larger company. If you are interested in learning more about Zondervan, you can check out our guide to everything Zondervan has to offer.

At this time, authors are welcome to submit unsolicited manuscripts to two of the main Zondervan imprints –  Zondervan Reflective and Zondervan Academic. Proposals should include a succinct description of the book, a table of contents, information on who the intended reader is, and a justification of why you are the right author for the book.

Now that you have an idea of the best Christian publishers out there, it’s important to consider the next big question: do you want to go through traditional Christian publishers, or are Christian self-publishing companies a better avenue for your faith-based book?

Using Christian Publishers vs Self-Publishing

Should you really use Christian publishers to take control of your book production and publishing process? Or are you an author who appreciates having full creative control of your faith-based book?

If you choose to self-publish your Christian book, there is a plethora of resources and self-publishing courses out there to show you the ropes. And, of course, there are Christian self-publishing companies who can help you at every step along the way.

Self-publishing is a great option if you can be your own project manager for your book – this includes having a budget for self-publishing costs (it’s often cheaper than paying for publishing packages with a company).

Plus, you get full creative control and full royalties.

If you plan to publish more than one book in your lifetime, or if you want to build an author career, you may want to opt for an author education program rather than a publishing package. Christian self-publishing companies can help you decide the right package for your goals.

Why You Should Self-Publish Your Christian Book

If you’re looking for the best way to get your Christian book out into the world, you should consider full self-publishing as an alternative to working with one of the traditional Christian publishers in our guide.

Self-publishing has many benefits for authors, including:

  • A swifter process. You’ll notice many of the Christian publishers on this list have a response time of several months. That’s just to reply! Actually publishing your book will take far longer. When you self-publish, you can get your book out into the world faster, and entirely at your own pace.
  • More royalties. Traditional publishers offer authors a small cut of any royalties received. When you self-publish, you can keep all of the royalties for yourself. Use this book royalties calculator to compare.
  • Creative control. When you work with a traditional publisher, you have limited creative freedom. You may have to compromise on edits to your book, or even its book cover. When you choose self-publishing, you have full creative freedom to do things exactly the way you want to. 
  • No gatekeepers. The traditional publishing industry is often elitist and doesn’t serve minority authors well at all. When you self-publish, you don’t have to go through gatekeepers to get your Christian book released. It’s entirely down to you.

Are You Interested in Self-Publishing Your Faith-Based Book?

The team at is here to help. We have assisted many authors in learning how to write a book about Christianity, and how to successfully launch it into the world. Reach out today to see how we can help, and discover which self-publishing company is right for you.

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