How to Maximize Your Experience at Author Advantage Live

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Posted by Audrey Hirschberger

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Curious about making the most of your Author Advantage Live experience?

In September 2019, the Self-Publishing School team hosted their very first exclusive author’s conference. It was a sold-out live event, and a ton of fun! And every year since it’s just gotten bigger, better, and more impactful (with tons of new content & learning workshops rolled-out).

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Author Advantage Live 2024 will be an epic experience!

This year we are hosting Author Advantage Live on August 1st-3rd. We’ll be covering topics like how to grow your business using a book, how to MAKE a book your business, expert book marketing tactics, and how to position yourself as a thought leader in the industry.

To make sure you get the most impact out of this event, it’s important to maximize your Author Advantage Live (AAL) experience. And here are our top tips to help you do just that.

Related: Best Writer’s Conferences

6 tips to make the most of Author Advantage Live

If you want to get the most bang for your buck during Author Advantage Live, here are our top tips for making that happen.

Tip 1: Get a VIP ticket

Author Advantage Live Tickets

If you really want to get the most out of your Author Advantage Live experience, you want to get a VIP ticket. Your VIP ticket comes with:

  • An exclusive author networking reception
  • ​A (Re)Launch Your Book workshop
  • ​​1 FREE Bring A Friend Ticket
  • ​$100 free credit to our SWAG Store
  • ​A FREE general admission ticket to AAL 2025
  • ​An In The Trenches VIP laser coaching session
  • ​Early access to limited Strategy Zone coaching slots

Plus, if you buy a VIP ticket, you get the replays forever, which helps if you need a little more time to digest or if you can’t attend on one of the dates.

Tip 2: Set a goal to achieve

Don’t get caught up in the One Day mentality…

One day I’ll write a book. One day I’ll launch my business. One day I’ll create that course.

You know what we’re talking about!

Set a time constraint for your goal, and PREPARE. Take the action steps you need to achieve your task or goal before the deadline or due date you’ve set.

According to Parkinson’s Law, work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

What does this mean?

You need to set a goal with a deadline before Author Advantage Live, and take action!

For example, bestselling author Mike Acker set a goal to publish his second book and complete his course content before last year’s event.

Tip 3: Minimize your distractions

We live in a noise world, this is a fact.

Which is why it’s SO important that you plan to limit distractions during the event, and you can do this before the conference.

Here’s how to do it: Simply let people know in advance that you will be unavailable during the days of the event.

This could mean sending an email two weeks and a week prior to Author Advantage Live, notifying people that you are essentially “out of office.”

Give people a chance to request anything they might need from you beforehand, so they know what to expect and that you will be unavailable while you’re attending the conference.

For loved ones who expect to hear from you every day, let them know you’ll be checking in at night instead of throughout the day.

This is important because the more you can focus on the event, and use every minute connecting with other authors and business builders, the more you will get out of your experience.

Tip 4: Know the problems you need to solve

At AAL, you’ll be around other high-level authors and entrepreneurs, which means that their expertise will be readily available for YOU!

Play it smart, and have a list of challenges and problems you need help solving.

Start making your list now, then focus on the most important ones you need to solve.

Chances are, you’ll be in a room full of people that have been in your shoes, and solved similar problems you’re facing.

Lean on their expertise, and come prepared.

Tip 5: Make professional connections

You’ve heard it a million times before – network, network, network.

The importance of networking is probably not new to you, but we can’t stress this enough.

You will be at Author Advantage Live, with the opportunity to make real human connections with some serious experts and professionals.

The importance of building your network up is more important than ever for maximizing your experience at this writer’s conference.


Tip 6: Share the experience with a learning partner

There’s nothing more effective than creating lifelong accountability and investing your efforts into helping someone else along their journey.

That’s why we encourage all attendees to have an Accountability Buddy from your inner circle.

Bringing a friend to Author Advantage Live doubles, if not triples, your experience, results, and impact.

Think about your inner circle and ask yourself, “Who do I know that could benefit from this?”

Maybe it’s your life partner, a child, or a loved one. Or maybe it’s your mentor, business partner, or personal assistant.

Regardless of who it is, past attendees agree that bringing a friend to Author Advantage Live makes the experience that much more powerful – in the lives of themselves, and their friend.

Which Self-Publishing Company is Right For You?
Take this short quiz to find out which type of self-publishing company you should be working with based on your book's needs.
Takes 2 minutes

We hope you found these tips helpful as you plan for your AAL experience…

And if you haven’t committed to attending this year, hurry and reserve your spot before it’s sold out.

Author Advantage Live happens once a year, and will be a super impactful two days no matter where you are on your business journey.

Click here to get your Author Advantage Live ticket before they run out!

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