Self Publishing School


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Become a Bestseller

The 5-part comprehensive path from blank page to published author, and everything in between.

If you’re looking for help bringing your book project to life—whether it’s your life’s story, an impactful account of your experiences to help others, or a book to grow your business—this is the program for you!

What You will accomplish with’s

Become a Bestseller Program

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You will go from a rough idea for a book to a crystalized vision for your content that impacts the lives of your readers and helps you accomplish your end goals for the book.

Initial Coaching Call with a Bestselling Author

In order to accomplish the goals you have for this project, we kick things off with a 1 on 1 coaching call to ensure you have clarity on your ideal reader, clear message of your book, and ultimately where you hope your book will lead you. From there, you will dive into the world’s leading online training for authors. You’ll walk away with everything you need to know to use it as a tool to build your brand, grow your business, or share an impactful message.

1 1 Coaching

Creating Your Mind Map

Once your idea has been solidified and your goals mapped out, it is time to get all of your ideas out of your head and onto paper. We help authors brainstorm everything that belongs in their book: personal stories, research, quotes, action steps and more. A great book starts requires a combination of elements to make it really stand out from the competitive landscape. We will help you get organized in advance to help you reach your goals.

Group Coaching

Building Your Outline

Once you have all of your big picture ideas on paper, it is time to craft your bestselling outline. Most authors make the mistake of just getting started writing, and skip this crucial step of defining the order of their content in advance. We will walk you through how to create a strong outline that takes your readers on a journey and helps you get your draft written faster without the dreaded writers block.

Epub Vs Mobi: Which Format Is Better For Publishing Your Book?
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writing your rough draft

Next we will help you through the entire rough draft phase of your author journey. Now that you have your thoughts organized, it is time to write a compelling book! We walk you through each step in this process.

Writing Like the Pros

Our training will walk you step by step through your rough draft to ensure you end with a manuscript you can be proud of when you send it off to the editor. You will learn writing tips from a whole host of bestselling authors, how to have a great chapter structure, what transitions look like that keep the reader engaged to the very end of your book, and more. 

Writing Rooms
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Book Production

We have assembled an entire rolodex of top tier cover designers, book formatters, and editors to ensure your book is beautiful, inside and out. We have also negotiated deep discounts for our authors, meaning you will be getting the best services at a fraction of the cost.

Book Cover Design

You’ve been lied to all these years. The truth is: yes, people do judge a book by its cover. We’ve seen this again and again with the thousands of authors who come to us for help with self-publishing or marketing their existing self-published book. You’ll work with your cover designer to create a cover that not only attracts your ideal reader, but one that is created based on genre research so your sales last beyond your book launch.

Cover Gif 3

Professional Formatting

Formatting is the final stage in the book-production process and having a well-formatted book is critical to becoming a bestselling author! The experience a person has while reading your book and how it looks is just as important as your book’s cover. Your professional formatter will format your book for digital and print while ensuring your book’s look and feel is the highest quality, inside and out.

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The beauty of is that you get the benefits of traditional publishing, without the strings attached. By connecting you with top tier designers and teaching you the publishing, you end with a high quality book, while maintaining 100% of the rights, royalties, and creative freedom.

Uploading to Amazon

The Amazon publishing process can be confusing, with the technical aspects shifting as the company updates their websites and processes. This is why we’ll walk you step by step through the technical details by uploading your book directly, ensuring it gets approved, and the listing is completely accurate. The best part? You keep 100% of your rights and royalties. You also retain full ownership and control over your content, pricing, and marketing strategies.

Upload Book To Kdp Amazon

Categories, Keywords, & Book Description

There are 7,500 new Kindle books published every day, which makes choosing the right categories and keywords the best way to give your book a fighting chance of being noticed (and purchased!) by your ideal readers. We teach you exactly how to utilize software to analyze search volume, measure category competition, and help you optimize your book description for consistent sales.


Worldwide Book Distribution

We’ll teach you exactly how to set up worldwide distribution to ensure your book is available through Amazon’s KDP platform and everywhere Amazon sells. This includes ebook distribution and Amazon’s print-on-demand feature, which doesn’t require you to manage fulfillment or inventory. Someone buys and Amazon prints and ships it. All you’ll need to do is check your daily “books sold” amount as it continues to increase.

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book Launch & marketing plan

Successful book marketing starts with a great book. After that your goal is to get it into the hands of your ideal readers. We’re cutting through the clutter to help equip you with what are the most important tools and tactics to market your book successfully.

Building Your Launch Team

The first 30 days after the launch of your book are absolutely critical. This is where you have the opportunity to show Amazon that your book is relevant so that it continues to show your book to more shoppers over time. It is also where you have the best opportunity to become a #1 Bestseller, building authority and credibility, and allowing you to leverage this early success into long term sustainable sales. We will walk you through every step of building an amazing launch team to make this goal a reality.


Book Promotion Websites

Along with your launch team, partnering with book promotion websites is a powerful way to market your book to your ideal readers, but in an ever-growing industry like ours, finding the right ones can be challenging! We have combed through and tested over 100 book promotion sites and curated a list of the top converting sites we have found over the course of helping publish 7,000 books. These book promotions will go a long way towards helping you reach your audience beyond your natural sphere of influence.

Book Promotion Sites 1

Lives Changed Through Books

Books Change Lives. Our books change the lives of readers AND authors. Hear from authors just like you and take a glimpse into your future as an author.

How The Process Works With You

Step 1

Schedule a Call With Us

The application process kicks off with a free strategy call, which will help you discern if this program is a good fit for your specific needs. It will also clarify your goals and next steps for your book! No matter where you’re at on your author journey, this strategy call will accelerate your progress toward your goals. 

Step 2

Get Assigned to Your Coach

Once you’ve joined the program, you’ll be assigned to your bestselling author coach and hop on your Welcome Call to understand how you’ll get set up with the program. Your coach will then guide you through the writing and publishing process while pointing you to resources that will be helpful as they’re needed.

Step 3

Write Your Book

This is a huge milestone in the journey, and also one of the most difficult. But we’re here to help you get there by breaking down the process into manageable steps that are fun and enriching while providing direction in how to write your book so it’s of quality and speaking to the right readers. Your coach, writing rooms, and accountability check-ins will be there to support you hitting your word count goals so you make actual progress

Step 4

Get Your Cover Design & Book Formatted

Once your manuscript is finished and you receive it back from your editor, we’ll help you prepare it for publishing with a book cover that converts into sales and proper formatting so it’s easy (and visually pleasing) to read on any device. We want to ensure your book has its best chance of being discovered by your ideal readers, and professional production is key to that happening! 

Step 5

We’ll Upload Your Book & Details

Ready, set, publish! With our experts by your side, uploading your book and setting it up correctly in Amazon’s system really can be painless. We’ll take care of the details like categories, keywords, uploading the right cover for the right book formats, setting up your ISBN, all while leaving you with 100% control and ownership of your book and your hard-earned royalties. 

Step 6

Celebrate Your Published Book!

You’ve done it! You’ve reached the final milestone and actually published your book. Well done! As a community, we’ll celebrate your success and inspire other authors on the journey to keep going. We’ll also feature your book in our exclusive Author Books section and your story on our Success Stories page. And of course, we’ll be right here to celebrate every book you publish next. Because if our many multi-book authors are proof of anything, it’s that this publishing thing is addicting 😉