Business Author Mastermind

“My first book, Speak with No Fear, has sold over 40,000 copies.”
You’ve probably already seen the results publishing a book can have:
Increased Sales
Speaking Engagements
If you like to add any of these to your
business this year, you’re in the right place…
Everything You get with
Business Author Mastermind

Author Mentorship
A dedicated, best-selling mentor gives you the personalized strategies, accountability, and support needed for accelerated business growth.
Monthly private coaching sessions
Unlimited Daily Office Hours
Course Building for Authors
Inner Circle Quarterly Workshops
Business accelerator workshops designed to help you conquer the most pressing issues in your business while giving you the chance to network with other high level authorpreneurs.
Advanced Marketing Techniques

Inner Circle Quarterly Workshops
Business accelerator workshops designed to help you conquer the most pressing issues in your business while giving you the chance to network with other high level authorpreneurs.
Advanced Marketing Techniques

Training Platform
Done-For-You Marketing
We know how busy your book launch can be, which is why we do the most important marketing tasks for you, to ensure you have a successful launch and are set up to scale after.

Done-For-You Marketing
We know how busy your book launch can be, which is why we do the most important marketing tasks for you, to ensure you have a successful launch and are set up to scale after.

Publishing Made Easy
All the benefits of traditional publishing – without the strings attached. We help your book get seen by the right people around the world, while you keep 100% of the royalties.
What All of This is Worth?
This is our most comprehensive program EVER and with a brand new twist. It’s everything you need to build your author platform and set up your 3-year plan, and we’re even doing some of it for you!
It is ONLY available at Author Advantage Live.
What's Included
Coaching & Monthly Implementation Sessions
Coaching & Monthly Implementation Sessions $5,000
Total Value
What You Pay
New to | pay in full special: $20,000
Existing author

“Landed my first high ticket client at $28,000 from a podcast appearance.”

“It’s been a year and a half since the book’s been published and I’ve sold over 30,000 units.”

“That month we made $50,000. It was the peripheral ripple effect of having the book launch.”
I was totally not doing this with the idea of making money. But that month [I launched] we made $50,000. It was the peripheral ripple effect of having the book launch.
Lori Williams
Are You Ready to Increase Your Income This Year?

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