Business Author Mastermind

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Group 1000015055

“My first book, Speak with No Fear, has sold over 40,000 copies.” gave me a plan, accountability, and a community, which helped answer my questions and get the book noticed. My first book, Speak with No Fear, has sold over 40,000 copies. I accepted a traditional publishing deal by Wiley for my next book.
Mike Acker

You’ve probably already seen the results publishing a book can have:

Increased Sales

Use a book as a lead magnet to position yourself as the industry leader, filling your inbound marketing funnel.

Speaking Engagements

Use a book as a lead magnet to position yourself as the industry leader, filling your inbound marketing funnel.
More Revenue Streams
Use a book as a lead magnet to position yourself as the industry leader, filling your inbound marketing funnel.

If you like to add any of these to your
business this year, you’re in the right place

Everything You get with

Business Author Mastermind

Private Coaching

Author Mentorship

A dedicated, best-selling mentor gives you the personalized strategies, accountability, and support needed for accelerated business growth.

Monthly private coaching sessions

Unlimited Daily Office Hours

Course Building for Authors

Inner Circle Quarterly Workshops

Business accelerator workshops designed to help you conquer the most pressing issues in your business while giving you the chance to network with other high level authorpreneurs.

Advanced Marketing Techniques

Growth Hacks for Your Business
Building a Funnel That Converts

Inner Circle Quarterly Workshops

Business accelerator workshops designed to help you conquer the most pressing issues in your business while giving you the chance to network with other high level authorpreneurs.

Advanced Marketing Techniques

Growth Hacks for Your Business
Building a Funnel That Converts

Training Platform

Get access to the exact blue print that, and so many of the entrepreneurs we have worked with, have used to scale six, seven, and eight figure businesses.
Sell More Books
PR & Speaking for Authors
Course Building for Authors

Done-For-You Marketing

We know how busy your book launch can be, which is why we do the most important marketing tasks for you, to ensure you have a successful launch and are set up to scale after.

Personal Marketing Assistant – 20 Hours
Top PR Launch List & Media Kit
Amazon A+ Content
Book Promotion Sites Campaign
Social Media Assets
Timesquare 1
Private Coaching

Done-For-You Marketing

We know how busy your book launch can be, which is why we do the most important marketing tasks for you, to ensure you have a successful launch and are set up to scale after.

Personal Marketing Assistant – 20 Hours
Top PR Launch List & Media Kit
Amazon A+ Content
Book Promotion Sites Campaign
Social Media Assets
Private Coaching

Publishing Made Easy

All the benefits of traditional publishing – without the strings attached. We help your book get seen by the right people around the world, while you keep 100% of the royalties.

Cover Design & Formatting
Amazon Listing Optimization
Category & Keyword Selection
Worldwide Distribution & Royalties

What All of This is Worth?

This is our most comprehensive program EVER and with a brand new twist. It’s everything you need to build your author platform and set up your 3-year plan, and we’re even doing some of it for you!

It is ONLY available at Author Advantage Live.

What's Included

12 Individual 1-1 Coaching Session
Mastermind Workshops
1 Year Access to Advance Mastermind
1 Year Unlimited Advanced Group
Coaching & Monthly Implementation Sessions

Access to ALL Our Programs 
VIP Ticket To Author Advantage Live 2025
Personal Marketing Assistant
Done-For-You components
12 Individual 1-1 Coaching Session$6,000
Mastermind Workshops$20,000
1 Year Access to Advance Mastermind$4,000
1 Year Unlimited Advanced Group
Coaching & Monthly Implementation Sessions
Access to ALL Our Programs $15,000
VIP Ticket To Author Advantage Live 2025$1,500
Personal Marketing Assistant$2,000
Done-For-You components$15,000

Total Value


What You Pay

New to | pay in full special:  $20,000



Existing author


Payment Plans Available
Group 1000015055 2

“Landed my first high ticket client at $28,000 from a podcast appearance.”

“Landed my first client at $6,000 with my book not launched yet, course not live yet! Also landed my first high ticket client at $28,000 from a podcast appearance.”
Lyn Lebeau
Lisa Book

“It’s been a year and a half since the book’s been published and I’ve sold over 30,000 units.”

“It’s been a year and a half since the book’s been published and I’ve sold over 30,000 units. If it wasn’t for l wouldn’t be dreaming as big.”
Dr. Jonathan Su
Su Book
Lori Book

“That month we made $50,000. It was the peripheral ripple effect of having the book launch.”

I was totally not doing this with the idea of making money. But that month [I launched] we made $50,000. It was the peripheral ripple effect of having the book launch.

Lori Williams

Are You Ready to Increase Your Income This Year?
